LOCAL News :: Labor
MayDay 2005: Colombian Trade Unionists Presente
On May Day in Chicago, two Colombian trade unionists -- Johnny Meneses (right) and Luis Adolfo Cardona -- unveiled the first international plaque on the new Haymarket Memorial. The plaque honors fellow Colombian workers who've been jailed, attacked, maimed and murdered by employers and the bosses' allies for their organizing and activism. The unveiling was held on May Day at the controversial new Haymarket Memorial on Desplaines St. in Chicago, at an event sponsored by the Illinois Labor History Society, the Chicago Federation of Labor, AFL-CIO, the Illinois AFL-CIO, Jobs with Justice, and the Chicago Religious Leadership Network on Latin America.

On May Day in Chicago, two Colombian trade unionists -- Johnny Meneses (right) and Luis Adolfo Cardona -- unveiled the first international plaque on the new Haymarket Memorial. The plaque honors fellow Colombian workers who've been jailed, attacked, maimed and murdered by employers and the bosses' allies for their organizing and activism. The unveiling was held on May Day at the controversial new Haymarket Memorial on Desplaines St. in Chicago, at an event sponsored by the Illinois Labor History Society, the Chicago Federation of Labor, AFL-CIO, the Illinois AFL-CIO, Jobs with Justice, and the Chicago Religious Leadership Network on Latin America.
The Colombians also spoke at the rally, exhorting their fellow workers in Chicago to reaffirm their commitment to international solidarity and to build the movement to support workers under extreme attack across the planet -- including Colombia.
The CFL website included the following copy in their info promoting the event: "After 119 years of silence on May Day in our city, the Chicago labor community will begin a new chapter, paying tribute to the fallen heroes of Haymarket and continuing the martyrs’ tradition of promoting and fighting for social justice in the workplace."
It's about time.
For high-res versions of these photos, email
hammerhard (at) aol.com.