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Announcement :: Miscellaneous

A New World in our Hearts: Anarchist May Day Festival!

A New World in our Hearts: Building for Revolution May Day Festival

Confirmed Workshops and Presentations -


Horizontalism in Argentina
A conversation of the current autonomous movements in Argentina, including specific discussions on topics such as power and how the movements are similar, or not, to anarchist concepts and visions. Time's Up 3:45pm -5:45pm

Beehive Collective
A popular education on the subject of globalization and presentation of their Plan Puebla Panama Poster. Washington Square Park (the rain location would be close by in an NYU building) 5:00pm -7:00pm

Afropunk Film Screening
Afro-Punk, a 66-minute documentary, explores race identity within the punk scene. More than your everyday, Behind the Music or typical "black history month" documentary this film tackles the hard questions, such as issues of loneliness, exile, inter-racial dating and black power. Time's Up 6:00pm -8:00pm

Bicycle Repair Workshop
Ideally for a more intermediate skill level, but again all are welcome. In this gathering, folks can work on their own bikes, with the guidance of volunteers. Time's Up 6:00pm -8:00pm

Zapatista Summer 2005
Peter Brown will discuss Zapatista Summer 2005, an opportunity for interested people to live & learn in the autonomous, indigenous Zapatista communities of the Mexican SE. As well as share information about Mother Seeds in Resistance which offers people an opportunity to support Zapatista efforts to resist genetically modified corn. Bluestockings 7:00pm - 8:30pm

Folk Punk / Punk show
with Defiance Ohio, The Good Good, Bent Outta Shape. 141 South 5th St. Apt. 1SE in Williamsburg, Brooklyn (Btwn. Bedford & Driggs) 7:30pm -10:30pm

Postering with Visual Resistance
Political & innovative projects aimed at raising awareness of urgent social issues through visual media. Explore the spaces where art and activism interact and help develop a visual language for political action. Bring posters/flyers/other supplies. Will meet after Punk Show in Williamsburg 10:30pm -12:30pm


Direct Action Training
St. Mark's Church Outside (if it's nice) Indoors (if it rains) 10:15am - 1:15pm

Brooklyn Freeschool Presentation & Freeschooling Workshop
A talk about the genesis and status of the Brooklyn Free School, what free schooling is, and why it might be a good idea. Free schooling is a radical educational philosophy/practice that allows kids to pursue their passions without forcing them into "learning" anything. ABC No Rio 12:15pm - 1:15pm

How Anarchists Can Network Better
In this facilitated discussion we will be attempting to analyze the concept of networking as it applies to our struggle. We will look to the many ways that we already engage in networking projects and brainstorm ways that anarchist networking can be more effective. ABC No Rio 1:30pm - 2:30pm

Supporting Political Prisoners
A workshop that covers why anarchists should be engaged in prisoner support and how to do it. St. Mark's Church 1:30pm - 2:30pm

Counter-Biotech for BioDemocracy
A multimedia workshop to educate and inform the general public as well as dedicated activists about the hazards of corporate biotech and the possibility of ecological alternatives. 2:45 pm -4:15pm

Security Culture
Tactics that the police and FBI use to catch activists committing "crimes" and how activists can avoid getting caught. St. Mark's Church 2:45pm- 3:45pm

Food Not Bombs
Tompkins Square Park 3:30pm - 4:30pm

Advanced Security Culture
This is not a regular history of COINTELPRO, or basic security stuff (e.g. don't blab to people). No this is more about the next step. How to investigate sketchy folks, how to use codes in an easy way, how to search for microphones and bugging equipment, how to use computer security, how to do a real vouched for meeting, etc. St. Mark's Church 4:30pm - 5:45pm

Anarchism & Mayday
Discussion on the history of Mayday from a new anarchist perspective. ABC No Rio 5:00pm - 6:30pm

Proposed Alternatives to the State
Workshop based on Wayne Price's work in writing a book (now circulating among various publishers)

The Abolition of the State: Anarchist and Marxist Perspectives. Bluestockings 7:00pm - 8:30pm

Critical Mass
Union Square, Tompkins Square Park, Washington Square Park 7:00pm

Friday Night Party
With bands Guadalupe, Guns Fire Mayhem, Latterman, Luminescent Orchestra, Majesty, and the The Rude Mechanicals Orchestra. Dick Che Space 14th Street 8:00pm - Late


Puppetmaking in Our Hearts!
We will make puppets! Time's Up Downstairs 10:00 am -1:30pm

How I Became Teenage Vegan Anarcha-Feminist: Stories about Feminism and Animal Liberation
This is a multimedia, discussion-oriented workshop about how the struggles for feminism and animal liberation are inextricably tied together. Time's Up 10:30 am -11:45am

Reclaim the Sex!
A hands-on, clothes-on workshop where we will brainstorm, dream, and practice some skills for DOING IT. Topics that will come up: Communications strategies, health & harm reduction, sex radicalism, and diy sex toys, and a genderfuck anatomy chart unlike your sixth grade health class! 6th Street Community Center 11:00 am -12:15pm

The Really Really Free Market
A open-air bazaar and celebration, where we will discard capitalist notions of interaction and have fun trying new models of exchange. Swap goods (You know, the stuff that is too good to throw away but you shouldn't keep), share skills, give presents, eat food, hang out, dance, sing and have fun -all for free! St. Mark's Church Outside 12:00pm -Dusk

Mountaintop Removal
Workshop on Mountain Justice Summer, playing a short (10min) film, speaking, and questions. Time's Up 12:00 pm -1:30pm

Men's Group Anti-Sexist Workshop
A space for people identifying as experiencing patriarchal privilege to discuss how we perpetuate and participate in that sexist system, and how we can stop doing so. The discussion will be facilitated to encourage everyone to have an equal chance to speak, and loosely moderated/structured around some general questions/points of discussion. 6th Street Community Center 12:30 pm -1:30pm

Stencil Making
A hands-on workshop with Visual Resistance. St. Mark's Church 12:30pm -1:30pm

Bathos (Swim Motherfucker!)
Mayday Polar Bears Club! We will be crashing some as of yet unnamed public fountain en masse & in our skivvies, because to us a new world in our hearts begins with the consummate transformation of the boring
but beautiful places we are supposed to just look at but not touch (or jump into half naked & screaming), you know, under the paving stones the beach! Meet at St. Mark's Church 2:00pm - 4:00pm

Soil, Seperation, & State
Development & the impact of "Making the Desert Bloom" in the context of the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The Negev, the
southern region of Israel populated by Bedouin & Jews, is plagued by divisions- Beyond camels, coffee, & carpets, Israel's Bedouin minority has been divided by geopolitics & tribalism, and is striving to withstand the forceful currents of urbanization & modernization. 6th Street Community Center 2:30pm -3:30pm

Anarchist Soccer
Meet at St. Mark's Church and head over to East River Park. 2:30pm - 4:30pm

An Introduction to Computer Security (Part 1)
Covering authentication issues, if you can trust the computer you are using, network security, and a case study as an example. Pre-requisite for "Towards a Trusted Computing Environment." Time's Up 2:30pm -3:30pm

Towards a Trusted Computing Environment (Part 2)
Some basics of computers leading into a workshop on Knoppix which is a step towards a trusted computing environment -- where would this could be used, what it is, why Knoppix, how to run Knoppix, and a demo. We will hand out cd's with Knoppix so that people can begin to apply what they learned. Pre-requisite: "An Introduction to Computer Security." Time's Up 3:45pm -4:45pm
Walking on the Edge of Insanity
As radical political activists and folks living on the fringes the conventional social system, what does it mean within our extended anti-authoritarian community for someone to be "mentally ill" or struggling with traditional labels such as "clinical depression," "bipolar disorder," or "schizophrenia"? 6Th Street Community Center 3:45pm -5:15pm

Beginner's Welding
Learn basic metalwork, welding, and hopefully build mutant bike! Time's Up Downstairs 4:00 pm -7:00pm

Anarchism In America (A Pacific Street Film)
A colorful and provocative survey of anarchism in America, the film attempts to dispel popular misconceptions and trace the historical development of the movement. The film features rare archival footage & interviews with significant personalities in anarchist history and also live performance footage of the Dead Kennedys. Time's Up 5:00 pm -7:00pm

Resistance in Palestine
An informal discussion with a Palestinian activist who lives in Palestine about the history and forms of resistance in Palestine. 6th Street Community Center 5:30pm - 6:30pm

Night Show
with Seth Tobocman, Bread & Roses, Leftover Crack, Ryan Harvey. Time's Up 7:30pm - 12:00pm


19th Annual Squatters Mayday Celebration
Free music and arts festival. Tompkins Square Park 11:00 am
No More Nuclear Excuses for War!
March & rally Sponsored by Abolition Now! & United for Peace & Justice.
Assemble near UN at 1st Ave from 50th St north. March at Noon; 2pm rally in Heckshire Ballfields, Central Park (SW corner, near Columbus Circle, 62nd St off CPW).
Make the Road By Walking
Workers in Action March & Celebration will be stopping at particular targets to give them hell and end in the park with music, food, entertainment.
301 Grove St at Knickerbocker Av. L to MYRTLE-WYCKOFF & walk two
blocks SW *or* J to MYRTLE & change to M to KNICKERBOCKER, walk
two blocks SE 12:00pm Noon
Rally: Unite, Fight Back, Jobs, Not War, Bring the Troops Home Now.
Sponsored by NY Area Million Worker March, Troops Out Now Coalition. Union Sq (4/5/6, L, N/R to 14th St, Union Sq) 1:00pm
Can the Earth Charter & the UN Millennium Goals Become a World Constitution & Bill of Rights?
Platform with Lisel Burns. Followed by film, "Thirst," examining water conflicts on 3 continents. Free.
At The Brooklyn Society for Ethical Culture, Meeting House main hall, 53 Prospect Pk West (btw 1st & 2nd Sts), Park Slope, Brooklyn. 1:00pm
Celebration of Pete Seeger & the Abraham Lincoln Brigade.
Along with "The Lives & Times of the Lincoln Brigade," a musical revue written & performed by members of San Francisco Mime Troupe and MC Henry Foner. Skirball Center for the Performing Arts, 60 Washington Sq South. Tix: 212-674-5552 1:30pm
Demand Mayor Bloomberg Hear Tenant Concerns!
Protest at Bloomberg's house! Sponsored by Met Council on Housing.
17 E 79th St (btw 5th & Madison Ave). 2:00pm -3:00pm

Confirmed Bands –

Bent Outta Shape – NY punk
Bread & Roses – Boston folk punk
Defiance Ohio – folk punk
The Good Good - Brooklyn goodness
Guadalupe – punk
Guns Fire Mayhem – horror synth rock
Latterman – political L.I. punk
Leftover Crack - (acoustic) Squatcore Ska-Punk
Luminescent Orchestra – gypsy music
Majesty – political Brooklyn hip-hop
The Rude Mechanicals Orchestra – protest march band
Ryan Harvey – riot folk (political folk singer)

Confirmed Speakers and Presenters -

Seth Tobocman longtime L.E.S. artist, author and activist
J.T. Sparkyboy
Andy Stephanian of Long Island Animal Defense League and Former Animal Liberation Front
The Bee Hive Collective
Jamie Moran from Friends of Jeff Luers
Marc Krupanski of the Immigrant Justice Solidarity Project
Marina Sitrin a NYC-based activist, writer and lawyer who has just finished writing a book on autonomous social movements in Argentina
Andrej Grubacic
Mountain Justice Summer
The Toy Shop Collective
The Visual Resistance Collective

Locations -

Times Up! Space: 49 E. Houston (Btwn. Mott & Mulberry)
St. Marks Church: 131 E. 10th St. (At Second Avenue)
6th Street Community Center: 638 E. 6th Street (Btwn. Ave B & C)
ABC No Rio: 156 Rivington Street (Btwn. Suffolk & Clinton)
Thursday Night Show Space: 141 South 5th St. Apt. 1SE
Tompkins Square Park: St. Mark's Place & Avenue A
Bluestockings Bookstore: 172 Allen Street (Btwn. Stanton & Rivington)
Dick Shay Space: 69 West 14th Street (At 6th Avenue)
Endorsers -

Times Up!
Bombs and Shields
The Mutual Support Network
The NYC Rat
The Dispossessed Network
The Autonomous Space Collective
Free Sense



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