The Chicago Social Forum is a movement of organizers, community leaders, students, activists, artists, and citizens from all over metro Chicago who believe in progressive change and social justice and are working to make them a reality here in Chicago. We need your help to make this event a success.
Please distribute this email widely.
Please join the local Chicago community for the
2nd annual Chicago Social Forum (CSF)!
See below for information on how to pre-register, review the workshop schedule and find out more information
About the 2005 Chicago Social Forum!
2nd Annual Chicago Social Forum
Sunday, May 1st, 2005
Jones High School
660 S. State
Registration: $7 individuals | $5 students/seniors
(pre-registered participants will receive discounts on lunch)
Concerned individuals, community organizations, cultural institutions and citizens groups are working every day to make Chicago a better place for our families and future generations. These organizations and individuals are all working hard to create positive change in our communities. What is missing is a space for them to converge, dialogue, share best practices, forge common ground, build alliances, and network for effective action.
The Chicago Social Forum (CSF) was created to serve this purpose.
Inspired by the highly successful World Social Forum (WSF), the Chicago Social Forum (CSF) is an open space that brings together people from a wide variety of struggles and interests to discuss the social, economic, political and environmental issues that affect our local and global communities.
(Sponsors and workshop presenters listed below)
Last year’s 1st Chicago Social forum drew more than 500 participants who came together to share ideas, network for effective action, and participate in open workshops on a multitude of topics including affordable housing, police brutality, gentrification, gender equality, school system reform, the environment, the Illinois Death Penalty, and globalization.
This year’s 2005 World Social Forum will include a variety of:
• Workshops (over 55 different workshops!)
• Presentations
• Cultural events/workshops
• solidarity meetings
• Graffiti Wall of Action
To get a look at the current Chicago Social Forum workshop schedule, it can be downloaded from our website at
WWW.CHICAGOSOCIALFORUM.ORG. The current list of speakers and sponsors are listed below and on the website.
The Scheduled Times for the day are as follows:
8:15-9:00am Registration
9:00-9:30am Morning Plenary
9:45–11:15am 1st Round
11:30–1:00pm 2nd Round
1:00 – 2:45pm Lunch
2:45 – 4:15pm 3rd Round
4:30 – 6:00pm Closing Plenary
The Closing Plenary: Rebuilding the Social Movement from local to global
Speakers for the closing plenary include:
Jon Ziegler
DePaul Egan Urban Center
Sharon Smith
columnist, Socialist Worker
Cris Inserra
School of Americas Watch
Oscar ChacÓn
Director, Enlaces America, an initiative of Heartland Alliance
The Chicago Social Forum is a movement of organizers, community leaders, students, activists, artists, and citizens from all over metro Chicago who believe in progressive change and social justice and are working to make them a reality here in Chicago. We need your help to make this event a success.
Please distribute this email widely.
We encourage everyone to participate in this process and invite coworkers, friends, constituents, community members and more. Fliers and publicity materials can be found at our website at
This year’s World Social Forum in January 2005 in Porto Alegre, Brasil had over 3100 volunteers. Their support and contributions were invaluable to the movement and the process. Your contribution to this effort is vital to the success of the event. To volunteer for event or assist in the organizing activities prior to the event – please contact Lily DeSantiago at
lilydeSantiago (at)
8th Day Center for Justice
Ad Hoc Committee on the Present Danger and Networking
for Democracy
American Friends Service Committee (AFSC)
Andersonville Neighbors for Peace
Association for Positive Body Image Presentation
Beyond Media Education
Bolivarian Circle of Chicago
Bright Futures
Campaign to End the Death Penalty (CEDP)
Center for Economic Research and Social Change (CERSC)
Chiapas Peace House Project
Chicago Area Participatory Economic Society (CAPES)
Chicago Battered Women’s Network
Chicago Books to Women in Prison
Chicago Coalition Against the Militarization of Youth
Chicago Coalition Against War and Racism (CCAWR)
Chicago Colombia Sanctuary Project
Chicago Committee to Free the Cuban Five
Chicago Teachers’ Union/Renaissance 2010 Committee
Chicago Teaching Artists Collective (CTAT)
Chicago Legal Advocacy for Incarcerated Mothers
ChicagoLand Urban Permaculture
Citizens for Global Solutions-Chicago
Coalition to Protect Public Housing
Community of Uptown Residents for Affordability and
Justice (COURAJ)
Creative America Project
Critical Resistance
Earth Charter Community Alliance
Eco Justice Collaborative
Enlaces America
Equal Marriage Now!
Foreign Policy Analysis
Great Cities Institute
Inside Out Art Studio
International Socialist Review
Iron Age Theatre
Independent Voters of Illinois
Long-Term Prisoner Policy Project
The Lusory
NARAL Pro-Choice America-IL
National Alliance of Latin American and Caribbean
Neighborhoods Initiative
Networking for Democracy
New Garden Community Church
News and Letters
Nicaragua Solidarity Network
Pace e Bene Nonviolence Service
Planners Network at UIC
Progressive Iranians of Chicago
Racial Justice Committee, Women’s International League
for Peace and Freedom, U.S. Section
Rogers Park Community Action Network
San Lucas Workers Center
Save Senn Coalition
School of the Americas Watch-Ilinois
Southside Anti-Capitalists
The Spark
Stop CAT Coalition
Teachers for Social Justice
Third Coast Press
Tikkun Community- Chicago Chapter
UIC Campus Antiwar Network
Work, Welfare & Families
Whole Foods Market
Got Pizza Music Café
Taste of Siam
Café Gioia / Amigos Grill
Note: If you are a sponsor and do not see your name listed here – please write us at
chicagosocialforum (at) and we will make sure to add you to the list.