From Roll Back The Rents!
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SAY NO TO S.771 !!!
HUD Secretary Alphonso Jackson has submitted a new Housing Bill
that is meant to destroy the low-income Section 8 Housing Choice
Voucher Program for the poor.
If passed into legislation, millions of low-income renters
will be put at risk of homelessness and forced out of the
Section 8 housing assistance program!
Call the Toll Free Congressional Switchboard Number to say NO
to S. 771 Call toll free!!! 1/888/818-6641
Ask for Senator Richard Shelby!
Ask for Senator Paul Sarbane!
Call toll free!!! 1/888/818-6641 Call Now!!! Call Often!!! Tell your friends!!!
Ask for the Sen. Office's of Richard Shelby and Paul Sarbanes,
to urge them to vote in opposition to S. 771 !!!
The Honorable Richard Shelby
U.S. Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban
Washington, DC 20510
The Honorable Paul Sarbanes
Ranking Member
U.S. Senate Committee on Banking Housing and Urban
Washington, DC 20510
Contact your local Representatives!!!
Tell your local Representatives and the above Senators to
say NO TO S.771 !!!
Federal law presently requires that 75% of the nation's
Section 8 vouchers go to those earning less than 30% of
the area median income. Meaning, the poorest of the poor.
The new HUD Bill "S.771," submitted by Secretary Jackson,
requires that 90% of the Section 8 vouchers shall go to
those earning up to 60% of area median income.
The Section 8 program serves nearly 2 million low-income families,
and placing 75% of those families at risk is exactly what HUD is
proposing to do!
HUD proposes to take the housing vouchers from the poorest
of the poor, and give the vouchers to wealthier tenants that
do not need assistance to avoid homelessness!
As they destroy the program with budget cuts, they want it to look like
the same number of tenants are being served by dumping the poor, and
trading them in for wealthier tenants that need less funding!
Eventually, the program will be totally defunded!
See the list of organizations that wrote in opposition to
S. 771, “The State and Local Housing Flexibility Act
of 2005.”
"On behalf of the 9.7 million extremely low
income households with severe housing cost burdens
who need housing assistance and the five million
families able to afford safe and decent housing today
through HUD’s major housing subsidy programs, we write
in opposition to this legislation."
Click below to read the list of the National Organizations that
Wrote in Opposition to Housing Reform Bill S.771
Call Now To Say No To S.771 !!!
Click below for the latest information from the National
Low-Income Housing Coalition (NLIHC), about the housing crisis!
Click below to sign a Petition to Save The Nation's
Housing Assistance Programs!
Roll Back The Rents
rollbacktherents-subscribe (at)