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News :: Peace

Mayor Jennifer P. Dougherty joins Mayors for Peace! Tadatoshi Akiba, the Mayor of Hiroshima to speak!

Announcements and updates from the Stop The Bombs International Peace Walk from Oak Ridge Tennessee to the United Nations in New York city.

Uniting For A Nuclear Free Future
60 Years After Hiroshima & Nagasaki.


Tadatoshi Akiba, the Mayor of Hiroshima
Hiroshima Bomb Survivors
Peaceful Tomorrows Families of 9/11
Stop the Bombs International Peace Walk

When and where:

April 30th, 7:30 pm
Fort Lee Recreational Center
Located at the end of Stillwell Ave.
Bergen County, NJ


Join us for a nine mile walk the following day,
May 1st, to Central Park

For More Information:
Allison Moore: 201-461-7260
Jim Toren: 513-403-6698

Donations Appreciated

From the road - walker Sarah Gish-Kraus reporting


Fredrick Maryland - Tuesday April 12, 2005

Mayor Jennifer P. Dougherty joins Mayors for Peace!

On our rest day thanks to our overnight host they had arranged for the Mayor to come out and welcome us to the community. Mayor Jennifer P. Dougherty came around 6:30 pm on our rest day and unfortunately could not join us for dinner because of her busy schedule. A potluck was being provided buy the community, when we started talking to the mayor about the MFP campaign she said I am aware of the campaign and I want to sign up and become a MFP. After she signed we had a circle with all the walkers and people from the community to show our thanks.

Jim Toren reporting


The countdown is on. Only 8 more walking days left! Find the walk and join. Encourage your Mayor to join Mayors for Peace. If you are a Mayor consider joining. You can view the information at

If you cannot join the walk or be present in New York then find your nearest United Nations office and organize a demonstration for May 1st and 2nd.

Now is the time!



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