LOCAL Announcement :: Labor
CFL: May Day at the Monument
Now how can we get them to march from the cementery to Randolph site?
Attention Working Families!
Celebrate the Great May Day Celebration
Reclaiming The Original Labor Day in Chicago!
Sunday, May 1st at 2:00 PM
at the site of the NEW HAYMARKET MEMORIAL
Des Plaines Ave. between Randolph and Lake Street
Workers all over the world recognize May 1st (May Day) as Labor Day because of the tragic events that occurred right here in Chicago at Haymarket Square in 1886 that have come to symbolize our nation's struggle to uphold workers' rights to organize and to exercise their constitutional right to free speech and assembly.
Now 119 years later, the Chicago labor community is gathering for the first time on May Day to honor its past, pay tribute to its fallen heroes, and continue to promote and fight for many of the same workplace issues that the Haymarket Martyrs defended with their own lives.
Join your fellow workers at this event, which will include speeches by a distinguished group of union leaders, religious clergy and labor historians. Union musicians will provide entertainment as well. And a delegation of Colombian trade unionists will be on hand to install the first international plaque on the new Haymarket Memorial.
This event is being called by the Illinois Labor History Society, the Chicago Federation of Labor, AFL-CIO, the Illinois AFL-CIO, Jobs with Justice and the Chicago Religious Leadership Network on Latin America.