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LOCAL News :: Civil & Human Rights : Crime & Police

Enough Is Enough Dispatch: Victory for Police Torture Victim Robert Ornelas

Today for the first time in Chicago history a Cook County Court Judge has granted a hearing on the issue of police torture.
We Won!

Today for the first time in Chicago history a Cook County Court Judge has granted a hearing on the issue of police torture. Today, before a packed court room of students and family members, Cook County Judge Nicholas Ford dismissed attorney General Lisa Madigan's petition to deny Police Torture Victim Robert Ornelas a new hearing.

This opens the door for Robert's attorney,
Mark Luckanich to argue in a hearing that because Robert's confession was extracted through torture that he should receive a new trial.

As Robert's case was called the entire court room audience stood up to hear Judge Nicholas' Ford decision. In a moment of comic relief after he had granted Robert his hearing he asked us why we were all standing up. He said that this was not a political rally, but he appreciated our coming and would see all of us at Robert's next court date on June 21st when the state will attempt
to challenge the judges decision.

This decision is the first challenge to Attorney General Lisa Madigan's office who has been trying to shut down each torture case as it crosses her desk (Madigan was put in charge of all the torture cases after Chief Judge Biebel removed State's Attorney Dick Devine and his office from overseeing the cases because of his conflict of interest)

This decision opens the door for potential new hearings for all the torture victims.

Ain't no stoppin us now. Enough is Enough!!!

Please join all of us at a meeting on the next steps for the Chicago Police Torture victims at Enough is Enough headquarters this Wednesday, April 27th at 7:00PM, at 751 East 75th Street (btw. Cottage Grove and St. Lawrence).

Call (773) 488-4238.



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