LOCAL News :: Civil & Human Rights
CAT Meeting Draws Opposition from Union, Human Rights Advocates
On April 13, protesters decended on the annual Caterpillar shareholders meeting in Chicago to call on CAT to investigate bulldozer sales to Israel -- and to oppose CAT's treatment of its workers.

On April 13, protesters decended on the annual Caterpillar shareholders meeting in Chicago to call on CAT to investigate bulldozer sales to Israel -- and to oppose CAT's treatment of its workers. Human rights groups charge that Caterpillar equipment has been used by the Israeli military to destroy roads, orchards, greenhouses, agricultural land and the homes of over 50,000 Palestinians since 1967. While U.S. taxpayers foot the bill, activists assert, Caterpillar is making a killing in Palestine -- and dozens have died.
International Day of Action centered around the CAT shareholder meeing -- with protests planned in dozens of cities across the world to demand that the Illinois earth moving giant halt equipment sales to Israel that enable human rights violations against Palestinians living under Israeli occupation. In Chicago, the Stop CAT Coalition gathered on the sidewalk outside the April 13th shareholders meeting at Northern Trust Bank on south LaSalle St.
Workers from CAT's Joliet plant picketed the shareholders' meeting, as well, to oppose deep cuts in wages and benefits that are hurting hundreds of workers -- while shareholders' bottom lines grow and management has rewarded itself with burgeoning salaries and perks. The two groups of protesters were surprised to run into each other, and both groups took the opportunity to make bonds -- and common cause -- in their demands for CAT respect for human rights abroad and living wages for workers at home.
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