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LOCAL Announcement :: Miscellaneous

Calendar of Chicago Area Progressive Events -- Updated April 12, 2005

All activities are in Chicago, unless otherwise noted. Events outside of the Chicago metro area are advertised ONLY if sponsors/endorsers are organizing publicly accessible transportation from here.
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Tuesday, April 12 - Free Aaron Patterson and the Chicago 3! 8 am, march and rally, 219 S. Dearborn. 10 am, Court Hearing in Room 2119 of 219 S. Dearborn (to enter the courthouse you will need a picture i.d. and will have to pass through a metal detector). For more information contact the Aaron Patterson Defense Committee, 773.250.7229

Tuesday, April 12 - Protest Bank One and Reform Global Finance on a National Day of Action. Bank One and its parent JPMorgan Chase are using their customers' money to fund environmental destruction around the world. Tell Bank One to match its competitors in adopting ethical investment standards. At at time when the global economy ignores the environment, human rights and social justice in pursuit of narrowly defined, short term economic interest, the Rainforest Action Network has persuaded two of the nation's largest banks to embrace environmental and social responsibility. JPMorgan Chase, owner of Chicago's Bank One, is next in line, the largest US bank still investing in mass destruction. Some of the world's worst environmental destruction is done by international "development" projects, especially resource extraction such as oil drilling, mining and logging. The harm can be immediate damage to people's homes and water supplies, or indirect damage done by the paramilitaries hired to "protect" the projects. Although these projects are typically unaccountable to the public, they depend on banks' willingness to invest in them. The Rainforest Action Network's global finance campaign has shown that we have real power over these consumer banks. Last year, grassroots and consumer pressure forced two of the nation's largest banks, Citigroup and Bank of America, to adopt ethical investment standards. Bank One, now a subsidiary of JPMorgan Chase, is next. To get involved, email chicago (at) or call 800.989.RAIN.

Wednesday, April 13 - International Day of Action Against Caterpillar. Noon, Northern Trust building, 50 S. LaSalle Over 50,000 Palestinians have been made homeless by Caterpillar bulldozers. CAT supplies equipment used by the Israeli military to destroy Palestinian homes, infrastructure, orchards, greenhouses, agricultural land filled with crops and sometimes lives. While US taxpayers foot the bill, CAT profits from the wholesale destruction of Palestinian homes and livelihoods. Taking what Human Rights Watch calls a "head in the sand" approach, Caterpillar officials have repeated the same line over and over again, that Caterpillar has "neither the legal right nor the ability to monitor and police individual use" of its equipment. Caterpillar not only has the ability to monitor the use of its equipment, but after calls from human rights organizations, members of the office of the UN Commissioner on Human Rights, several religious and social justice organizations, and the victims themselves, CAT has the responsibility to investigate the ethics of selling bulldozers as weapons and profiting from human rights abuses. Join us on April 13 in opposing CAT's harmful policies. For more information email info (at) or visit


ONGOING - 24/7 Union Picket - Support the Congress Hotel Strikers! Congress Hotel, 520 S. Michigan. Sponsor: HERE Local 1. Info:

THRU Friday, April 15 - Chicago cops face lawsuit for framing Angel Rodriguez. In 1997 Angel Rodriguez was framed for murder by Chicago Area 5 Detectives Jon Woodall and Ernest Halvorsen. He was convicted and sentenced to over 60 years in prison. After almost four years in prison for a crime that he did not commit, Rodriguez's conviction was reversed on appeal in March of 2000 because of lack of reliable evidence. Rodriguez was released from prison due to the fact that the eyewitness who had originally identified Angel as the murderer recanted his story. The witness gave a sworn affidavit stating that Area 5 Detectives Woodall and Halverson had pressured him into identifying Angel. The eyewitness stated that Woodall and Halverson threatened to implicate him in the murder unless he pointed the finger at Angel. Detective Jon Woodall is now in prison on a ten-year sentence after being convicted over a year ago of framing a different individual. Woodall was convicted of stealing cocaine, planting it on an innocent man and then falsely arresting him. Even though Angel Rodriguez now is a free man, no one has ever been held accountable for the damage this frame-up inflicted upon him and his family. Detectives Woodall and Halverson have never been punished for framing Angel Rodriguez. Rodriguez filed a lawsuit against Detectives Woodall and Halverson and the City of Chicago for compensation for the years he has lost and the damage to his life. Although Rodriguez was exonerated of the murder conviction in 2000, the conviction still remains on his record, making it hard for him to find a job. In order to clear his record, Rodriguez filed a petition for clemency 18 months ago, but Illinois Governor Blagojevich has yet to grant the pardon to clear his name. The Comite Exigimos Justicia is asking for any supporters available the week of April 11-15 to attend Angel Rodriguez's trial at the Dirksen Federal Building, 219 S. Dearborn, Room 2103. Info: CEJchicago (at)

Tuesday, April 12 - Free Aaron Patterson and the Chicago 3! 8 am, march and rally, 219 S. Dearborn. 10 am, Court Hearing in Room 2119 of 219 S. Dearborn (to enter the courthouse you will need a picture i.d. and will have to pass through a metal detector). There will be a bus to the Federal Building leaving at 7:45 a.m. from the Temple of Mercy Association, 7757 S. Halsted. For more information contact the Aaron Patterson Defense Committee, 773.250.7229

Tuesday, April 12 - Protest Bank One and Reform Global Finance on a National Day of Action. Bank One and its parent JPMorgan Chase are using their customers' money to fund environmental destruction around the world. Tell Bank One to match its competitors in adopting ethical investment standards. At at time when the global economy ignores the environment, human rights and social justice in pursuit of narrowly defined, short term economic interest, the Rainforest Action Network has persuaded two of the nation's largest banks to embrace environmental and social responsibility. JPMorgan Chase, owner of Chicago's Bank One, is next in line, the largest US bank still investing in mass destruction. Some of the world's worst environmental destruction is done by international "development" projects, especially resource extraction such as oil drilling, mining and logging. The harm can be immediate damage to people's homes and water supplies, or indirect damage done by the paramilitaries hired to "protect" the projects. Although these projects are typically unaccountable to the public, they depend on banks' willingness to invest in them. The Rainforest Action Network's global finance campaign has shown that we have real power over these consumer banks. Last year, grassroots and consumer pressure forced two of the nation's largest banks, Citigroup and Bank of America, to adopt ethical investment standards. Bank One, now a subsidiary of JPMorgan Chase, is next. To get involved, email chicago (at) or call 800.989.RAIN.

Tuesday, April 12 – Chicago Flash Action: downtown educational leafletting for the International Day of Action Against Caterpillar. Noon, Federal Plaza, Clark & Jackson; 1-3 pm, Northern Trust Bank, 50 S. LaSalle; and, 4:30 pm, Wrigley Building, N. Michigan and the Chicago River. Info: 773.489.3505 or ISMinChicago (at)

Tuesday, April 12 - Chicago Independent TV on CAN TV! This month’s show includes a feature on T.H.O.N.G., a political activist group organizing against biogenetically modified foods, nanotechnology and the companies that threaten the independence of farmers from mega-corporations. Also featured is “The Subject of Palestine,” a major exhibit of works by and about Palestinians at DePaul University, and “Englewood Fights Back,” about one community’s fight against downsizing and privatization of local schools. 11:40 pm on Chicago Cable Channel 19.

Tuesday, April 12 - Video Showing: “Trainwreck of Ideologies, Part 2.” The preservation of the historical memory of the revolutionary tendencies in the U.S. labor movement is essential for a rebirth of the labor movement. In 1998 historical revisionists within Chicago's labor circles somehow conviced the U.S. Government to designate the Haymarket Martyrs Monument at Forest Home Cemetary an national historical landmark. A ceremony was held in the spring to dedicate a Department of the Interior plaque. Anarchists were on hand to protest this desecration of the memory of Haymarket Anarchists by those who want to turn them into social democrats. In 2004, the City of Chicago came up with the funds to pay for a new monument to “free speech” at Haymarket Square, repleat with speeches by local trade union hacks and the FRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICE, attempting to obliterate the real meaning of the Haymarket (police) Riot with soothing words to the effect that "labor and capital are no longer at odds and that the police are now part of the labor movement.” Anarchists were on hand at this travesty as well to set the record straight about what really happened in 1886 and what the reality of capital/labor relations is today. Just as in 1998 the events of 2004 were caught on tape by Labor Beat. If you haven't had a chance to see the video on TV you can see it at 7 pm today at the New World Resource Center, 1300 N. Western Avenue. Sponsored by the Education Department of the Chicago General Membership Branch, Industrial Workers of the World

Tuesday, April 12 – “Economic and Social Rights: American Exceptionalism and International Perspectives.” Hear Inez McCormack of Irish Congress of Trade Unions, Bret Thiele of Center on Housing Rights and Evictions, Cheri Honkala of Kensington Welfare Rights Union, and Emilie Junge of SEIU. 6-8 pm, University of Chicago Social Sciences 122, 1126 E. 59th. Sponsor: Human Rights Program at University of Chicago. Info:

Tuesday, April 12 – Cocoabean Underground Open Mike Spoken Word. Support the work of the Workers Coop for Big Change. 7-9 pm, Big Star Café, 1439 W. Jarvis (Red Line “Jarvis” el stop). Info: 773.973.6529 or nscchicago (at)

Wednesday, April 13 – Death Penalty Abolition Lobby Day in Springfield. Sponsor: Illinois Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty. Call 312.849.2279 or email info (at) for rides.

Wednesday, April 13 – Author and Vietnam veteran Andrew Bacevich speaks on “The New American Militarism,” his new book on the marriage of militarism and utopian ideology gripping the U.S. government. 7 pm, 57th Street Books, 1301 E. 57th Street.

Wednesday, April 13 – Rally for LGBT students on the annual “Day of Silence.” After the day of silence, during which students go through the day without speaking, to make visible the silencing of LGBT people and their allies, join in a Night of Noise! at the Thompson Center (State of Illinois Building, 100 W. Randolph Street), 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm. With the support of GLSEN Chicago, many Chicago-area Gay-Straight Alliance high school groups, as well as schools without formal GSAs, participate in the Day of Silence and the Night of Noise. Info:

Wednesday, April 13 - "Chavez, Venezuela and the New Latin America," by Aleida Guevara, the daughter of the Che Guevara. A groundbreaking documentary exploring Venezuela's explosive revolutionary terrain post-April 2002, when Hugo Chávez survived a right wing coup attempt sponsored by the United States. Featuring interviews with Hugo Chávez, grassroots activists and Cuban Doctors volunteering in Venezuela. 7 pm showtime, with discussion to follow. No Exit Café, 6970 N. Glenwood Avenue. $5-10 donation, $3 students, no one turned away. Part of the Venezuela documentary series sponsored by the Chicago Delegation to the 16th World Festival of Youth and Students/ Caracas 2005 and the Bolivarian Circle "Amada Libertad." Proceeds of the series support the travel expenses for the Chicago Area Delegations to the World Festival of Youth and Students. Info: Christina, 773.208.0709, or Valerie, 773.551.3368, or

Wednesday, April 13 - International Day of Action Against Caterpillar. Over 50,000 Palestinians have been made homeless by Caterpillar bulldozers CAT supplies equipment used by the Israeli military to destroy Palestinian homes, infrastructure, orchards, greenhouses, agricultural land filled with crops and sometimes lives. Among the dead are Palestinian Suha Sweidan, who was nine months pregnant when she was murdered in a middle of night in an illegal home demolition and American peace activist Rachel Corrie. While U.S. taxpayers foot the bill, Caterpillar profits from the wholesale destruction of Palestinian homes and livelihoods. Taking what Human Rights Watch calls a "head in the sand" approach, Caterpillar officials have repeated the same line over and over again, that CAT has "neither the legal right nor the ability to monitor and police individual use" of its equipment. Last year, instead of looking into the wanton destruction that their company's policies cause, the Caterpillar Board of Directors successfully urged the defeat of a shareholder resolution investigating whether Caterpillar is adhering to its own "corporate code of conduct" regarding sales to Israel. Caterpillar not only has the ability to monitor the use of its equipment, but after calls from human rights organizations, members of the UN Commissioner on Human Rights, several religious and social justice organizations, and the victims themselves, CAT has the responsibility to investigate the ethics of selling bulldozes as weapons and profiting from human rights abuses. On Wednesday, April 13, Caterpillar shareholders will once again meet in Chicago. We call on groups to organize local demonstrations that protest CAT's sale of home-crushing bulldozers to Israel. In Chicago, the Stop Cat Coalition will send a strong message to the CAT Board of Directors and dealerships that cooperation in human rights abuses will not be tolerated.

Thursday, April 14 - "Challenging Empire: Palestine, Iraq and US Foreign Policy," a lecture by Phillys Bennis. The Bush administration's rhetoric of "democratization in the Middle East" is disguising a reality of war, occupation, and a U.S. drive for power, for oil, and for empire. The U.S. occupation of Iraq, U.S. support for Israel's occupation of Palestine, increasing U.S. belligerence towards Iran and now Syria, all highlight a dangerous escalation of violence and tensions across the Middle East. Far from "democratization," Washington's unilateralist policy across the Middle East is responsible for creating graver injustices, consistent violations of international law, sidelining of the United Nations. Phyllis Bennis is a fellow at the Institute for Policy Studies in Washington, DC, and the Transnational Institute in Amsterdam. She directs the New Internationalism Project, which focuses on US policy in the Middle East, US-UN relations, and US unilateralism and interventions. She is author of Calling the Shots: How Washington Dominates Today1s UN (2000) and Before and After: US Foreign Policy and the September 11 Crisis (2002) and editor of Beyond the Storm: A Gulf Crisis Reader (1991). 7 pm, Northwestern University, McCormick Tribune Forum, 1870 Campus Drive, Evanston, IL. Co-sponsored by Center for International and Comparative Studies (NWU), American Friends Service Committee, Not in My Name, Peace-Pledge Chicago.

Thursday, April 14 - Since 9/11 the government has perpetuated a war against immigrants from all over the world. This war on immigrants has been especially hard on Muslims, Arabs and South Asians. Last August the suburb that Azam Hussein lived in gave him a citizen hero's award for putting his own life at risk to stop an armed robbery. Today, he faces deportation. For the last six months Hussein has been in the Metropolitan Correctional Center, charged with having lied on his citizenship papers. As federal prosecutor, Jake Ryan's first case against Hussein ended in a hung jury. Ryan has fought against Hussein's bond and has demanded a second trial. The federal prosecutor has used the media to smear Hussein and his wife Patricia. Hussein came to the U.S. ten years ago as an immigrant, he is a legal resident, and like many believed that becoming a citizen would give his family security. He has worked hard as a restauranteur, cab driver, and carpenter. He started a family, got married and had a daughter, Alicia. After failing to prove their case once, the federal prosecution team have turned to pressuring an already fearful community. The prosecutors are using Grand Jury Subpoenas in order to coerce testimony against him. Many of the supporters present at the first trial have now had to appear in front of the Grand Jury. Patricia Eng-Hussain, Azam’s wife, was a Chicago Police Department police officer. She was fired on her fourth day on the job. Daniel Pipes and the Freedom Forums have both used this case as a clarion call to mobilize Christian fascists to spread fear. In today’s America not only are you not innocent until proven guilty, but your spouse is also guilty until proven innocent. Azam's second trial starts April 18th, and much work needs to be done between now and then. Join Patricia Eng-Hussain and the Chicago chapter of Refuse & Resist! to discuss Azam Hussain's fight for justice. 6 pm, New World Resource Center, 1300 N. Western Avenue. Info: ChicagoRNR (at) or

Thursday, April 14 - Two years ago, before the US invasion of Iraq, some 300-400 DePaul students, faculty, and staff gathered in protest. This year hundreds of DePaul students, staff, and faculty will again rally in the streets to oppose US wars for oil & Empire! We will join the people of the world who overwhelmingly condemn the US occupation of Iraq and continue our campaign of opposition to Coca-Cola's actions in Colombia in a Tax Day protest against the imperialist actions that our tax dollars are funelled into. 11:30 am, rally in the Quad, march through campus, closing rally at Kenmore & Belden. Featured will be special guest musician Anna Roland, parents of slain soldiers, and others. Cosponsored by DePaul Students Against the War and the Anti-Coke Coalition (Activist Student Union, Concerned Black Students, DePaul Alliance for Latino Empowerment, DePaul Community Service Association, Students for Justice in Palestine, United Muslims Moving Ahead). Info: depaulnowar (at)

Thursday, April 14 - Students NOT Soldiers: Protest the Militarization of Latino/a Youth. 6 pm, John T. Richardson Library (corner of Fullerton/Kenmore), Rosati Room 300, 3rd floor (room subject to change). Sponsored by DePaul Students Against the War and DePaul Center for Latino Researc. Panelists include Fernando Suarez de Solar, father of lance corporal; Jesus A. Suarez de Solar Navarro, killed in Iraq; Oberlin Prof Gina Perez; Jose Lopez of Puerto Rican Cultural Center. Info: depaulnowar (at)

Thursday, April 14 - "The New Nuclear Threat," a program featuring Robert Cleland, founding member of the North Suburban Peace Initiative, who has actively worked to end nuclear proliferation for the past 45 years. Learn about the most crucial issue of our time: the continued existance of 30,000 nuclear weapons on our planet, and the Bush agenda for producing still more. 7 pm, McHenry County College Conference Center, Crystal Lake, IL at 8900 NW Hwy 14 (about 1 mile north of RT 176 and Hwy 14). Sponsored by the McHenry County Peace Group. Donations only. Call 815.455.3683 for more information.

Thursday, April 14 - "Philip Roth's The Attack on America," a discussion led by Mark Weinberg. 7 pm, Acme Art Works, 1741 N. Western. Sponsored by the Open University of the Left

Thursday, April 14 – “Develop and Sharpen Your Message,” a Community Media Workshop, 9 am to 12 noon at the CMW office, 623 S. Wabash, Suite 201. You do good work. Can you communicate what you're doing quickly and convincingly? Learn how to take a complicated message and shape it to get media attention and convince your audience. Learn how to target your audience, research your audience values and concerns, and craft messages that move people to action. Ideal course for executive and program directors, marketing and PR staff. Trainer: Nora Ferrell of Valerie Denney Communications Cost: $95. To register, go to

Thursday, April 14 and Friday, April 15 - “Chicago Protests The War at Home and The War Abroad - March 19, 2005," on the next show of Labor Beat. What should have been a simple protest against the Iraq war became a battle for essential civil liberties in the streets of Chicago, thanks to Mayor Daley. As Thousands of anti-Iraq war protesters attempted to conduct peaceful marches in Chicago on March 19, 2005 they were met by massive police intimidation. Robo cops moved in to shut down the protest press conference at Michigan and Oak streets. Chris Geovanis, speaking to the gathering, declared: "We hold Chicago Mayor Daley responsible for abolishing our constitutional rights to free speech and assembly, for abolishing our rights to peacefully oppose this war. There was no reason for him to adopt this hostile posture to peaceful protest against this war. What should have been a conversation about the disastrous consequences of this war has become a battle for essential civil liberties, and Daley made that fight, and Daley is the one who has disgraced the tradition of public speech, public assembly, and a vibrant process of dissent in this town. I'm ashamed for my city today, and I fear for all of us." Scenes include the protest at Leo Burnett and the arrests of Pat Vogel, mother of a 23-year-old Army reservist in Iraq, and of Andy Thayer at the Michigan Ave. press conference. Chicago Cable Channel 19 at 9:30 pm, Thursday, April 14 and 4:30 pm, Friday, April 15. Info: 312.226.3330, mail (at), or Labor Beat is affiliated with IBEW 1220. Views expressed are those of the producers, not necessarily of IBEW 1220.

Friday, April 15 – Chicago Independent TV on CAN TV! This month’s show includes a feature on T.H.O.N.G., a political activist group organizing against biogenetically modified foods, nanotechnology and the companies that threaten the independence of farmers from mega-corporations. Also featured is “The Subject of Palestine,” a major exhibit of works by and about Palestinians at DePaul University, and “Englewood Fights Back,” about one community’s fight against downsizing and privatization of local schools. 10 pm on Chicago Cable Channel 21

Friday, April 15 – “How to Fight the Bush Program of Cutbacks, Racism & War,” with Caneisha Mills, National Coordinator of Youth & Student ANSWER and Preston Wood, ANSWER Coalition - Los Angeles. Join us to hear how the U.S. war and occupation of Iraq are in reality the culmination of decades of aggression by the United States and European powers. Having declared endless war on the world, spending billions for world conquest, killing and wounding hundred of thousands of innocent civilians, social services in the United States continue to be drastically cut. Behind the current right-wing agenda of promoting racism, denying civil rights rights to immigrant workers and their families, attacking women, reproductive rights and LGBT equality, the Bush administration is working on behalf of Wall Street and the corporate elite to loot and destroy Social Security. Medicare and many other social programs fought for and won by workers through decades of struggle will be next unless an effective struggle can be organized to fight back. Hear about the growing movement of youth and students, seniors, and workers everywhere aimed at shutting down the Bush program of endless war and escalating cutbacks at home. 7 pm, New World Resource Center, 1300 N. Western Avenue (at Potomac). Info: billbeth (at), 773.878.0166 or

Friday, April 15 – “A Call to Unite for Bhopal,” an international demonstration for justice for Bhopal victims sponsored by the South Asian Progressive Action Collective. 7 pm, Indian Consulate, 455 N. Cityfront Plaza. Info:

Friday, April 15 - "Just Say No To War" tax action, 4 pm to midnight at the Federal Plaza, Jackson & Dearborn. Join us any time between 4 pm and midnight to help pass out anti-war, anti-militarization and war tax resistance leaflets across from the downtown post office where people will be filing their last minute taxes. Bring signs, banners and candles. Street theater welcome and encouraged.

Friday, April 15 - Caribbean LGBTQ Reading - University of Chicago professor Natasha Tinsley has gathered writers from all over North America for the first-ever Queer Caribbean literature conference, and Women & Children First Bookstore is proud to host a reading by several award-winning authors and performers in attendance, including: Makeda Silvera, Emanuel Xavier, Thomas Glave, Matt Richardson, Cheryl Boyce Taylor, and Colin Robinson. 7:30 pm, Women & Children First, 5233 N. Clark Street. Info: 773.769.9299 or wcfbooks (at)

Friday, April 15 and Saturday, April 16 - "Queer Islands? Caribbean LGBTQ Writers and Community," readings, panels, and more. 7:30 pm, Friday at Women & Children First, 5233 N. Clark. 9:30 am - 5 pm, Saturday at Social Sciences Room 122, University of Chicago. Sponsored by the University of Chicago Lesbian & Gay Studies Project. Info:

Friday, April 15 thru Tuesday, May 3 - 4th Annual Chicago Palestine Film Festival, the world's only annual festival of Palestinian films and Palestine related film, beginning April 15 at the Gene Siskel Film Center and continuing April 29 to May 3 at St. Xavier University in Chicago. The 23 film selections for this year include films from Palestine, Israel, Europe, and North America, truly reflecting the diversity of perspectives of Palestinians in exile and diaspora as well as non-Palestinian filmmakers who have made excellent films about the country and its people. Invited guests include Columbia University professor Joseph Massad, Lebanese author Elias Khoury, documentary filmmaker Buthaina Canaan Khoury, and emerging filmmaker Shady Srour from Nazareth. Also appearing will be world-class Latino filmmaker Miguel Littin from Chile, who will present his two recent films about Palestine and his connection to the land of his grandparents. The Chicago Palestine Film Festival (CPFF) is an independent, not-for-profit, non-sectarian project based in Chicago that exhibits and promotes films by Palestinian directors and films about Palestine. CPFF is dedicated to presenting a film festival that is open, critical, and reflective of the culture, experience and vision of the filmmakers. Visit their web site for detailed information about the schedule, venues, and films:

Saturday, April 16 - Underground Railroad in Illinois Bus Tour led by historian and author Glennette Tiley Turner. 9:30 am - 4:30 pm, Chicago Historical Society, Clark & North Avenue. Info: 312.255.3700 for registration.

Saturday, April 16 - Benefit concert for Vietnam Veterans Against the War Military Counseling Program and Nicaragua Medical Alliance starring folk legend Anne Hills with Special Guest Luis Jahn. Tickets are $15-25 in advance, $18-25 at the door (sliding scale: set your price within the range). Send check or money order payable to Nicaragua Medical Alliance at 4036 N Kilbourn Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60641. 8 pm, First Congregational Church of Evanston, 1445 N. Hinman, Evanston, IL. Info: 773.283.4361 or 773.924.5057

Saturday, April 16 - 2nd Annual Neighborhood Fest and Walkathon: A Celebration of People and the Earth in Rogers Park. Rain or shine at Warren Park (corner of Pratt and Western), a walkathon to raise money for healthy food projects in Rogers Park. All pledge money collected will go directly back into the Rogers Park community for projects that support eating locally grown, chemical free food such as greenhouses, community gardens, and rooftop gardens. Stay for the NeighborFood Fair, which includes local vendors and organizations that support locally prepared, fresh food, healthy living, and a local economy. Schedule: 8 - 10 am, walkathon registration; 10 am - noon, walk; 10 am - 3 pm, Neighborhood Fair with exhibits, speakers, local vendors, music, food, etc.; 7-9 pm, NeighborFood Feast continues at the Heartland with organic drink promotions. Reservations recommended for groups of 5 or more. 9 pm, Heartland NeighborFood music feasts! Sponsored in part by: Access Community Health Center, Dev Corp North, Genewise, Heartland Café, Stewardship Alliance, Light of Christ Lutheran Church, Rogers Park Community Action Network, and Warren Park. Confirmed participants include: Chef Earl's Fresh Foods, Chicago Honey Co-op, Chicory Center, Columbia Solidarity Committee, Cuentos Foundation, EarthSave, Ecovida, Futters Nut Butters, Growing Power, Healthy Dining Chicago, Heartland Café, Howard Alternative High School, Howard Community Gardens, Ibeji Women's Craft Collective, Light of Christ Lutheran Church, Midwest College of Oriental Medicine, New Leaf Market, Nigarian Solidarity Committee, Rogers Park Center for Massage Therapy, Rogers Park Community Action Network, Rogers Park/West Ridge Historical Society, Skylight Wellness Studio, TaFari Craft, Teachers and Residents United for Safe Technology, Unan Imports, WZRD Community Radio, Community Supported Agriculture and other local and regional farmers. Download pledge sheets at or call 773.507.0976

Saturday, April 16 - The 2005 Irish Humanitarian Benefit, a concert for families of Irish Republican POWs, sponsored by the Irish Freedom Committee. Headlining the concert to benefit the dependents of Irish Republican POWs will be south side Chicago's own Twin Wrecks The Memory. Also playing will be the The Blissters, Low of the Low, and others. In this drive to awaken the Irish-American Community of the failure of the 1998 Stormont Treaty and subsequent British human rights violations on Irish soil, these bands will converge at O'Malley's for an energetic night in defiance of political apathy. Entertainment will also include the raffling of POW Handcrafts, posters, memorabilia and tee shirts. Birthday and holiday cards to be distributed to the POWs will be available for signing. The event is being hosted by O'Malley's Music Showcase Club, 11957 S. Pulaski, Alsip, IL. Plenty of parking is available. Doors open early. Tickets are $10. The Irish Freedom Committee is a Nation-wide, Registered Not-for-Profit, wholly U.S.- based organization dedicated to education on the true root causes of the 850-years war against British occupation, and to the humanitarian and charitable support of the dependents of anti-Treaty Irish Republican POWs. We publish news from Occupied Ireland that is ignored or censored by the mainstream press, and we work to expose continuing human rights abuses under British military rule. Info: npfennessy (at), 773.799.4137, and

Saturday, April 16 – Pathfinders Prevention Education Fund present a junior-senior P.R.O.M.--Prevention, Reality through Outreach and Mentoring, discussing HIV/AIDS, STDs, TB, HEP-C, and Meth. Invitees: youth, 13-19 years and adults, 50 years and older. Free continental breakfast, lunch and snacks. Preregistration required -- call 773.533.5755. 8 am to 4 pm, 3333 W. Arthington Street, 2nd floor (handicapped accessible).

Saturday, April 16 - DePaul Labor History Program "Key Women Labor Leaders in History." Call 312.362.5823 to enroll.

Saturday, April 16 - Chicago's Own: New Experimental Works, Artists in Person! 8 pm, Chicago Filmmakers, 5243 N. Clark Street. Digital animation, Super-8 photograms, pagan chants, the difficulties of being heard, an abandoned steel mill as the site of a cryptic sci-fi thriller, an illustrated tour of the human anatomy, and, really, what do you do with the parents? This program of recent work has a bit of everything. Works to be shown include New Kisses (2004) by Bruce Wood; Left Behind by Runaway Mutants (2004) and other work by Jessie Stead; Pink Opaque (2003) and Light Quanta (2003) by Karen Johannesen; Songs and No Reason to Be Still (2004) by Jennifer Walters; Disunion with the Union of Suffering (2004) by Wenhwa Ts'ao; Hearing Phillip. (2003) by David Weathersby; Moonsong for Dave Grant (2005) by Kyle Harris; and And So Sings Our Mechanical Bride (2004) by Sabine Gruffat; plus Charlie Chaplin's His New Job (1915), made in Chicago and showing in honor of the 116th anniversary of his birth today.

Sunday, April 17 – Benefit auction, raffle and buffet for one of the city’s leading progressive churches, the Third Unitarian Church at 301 N. Mayfield. 12 noon. Info: 773.626.9385 or

Sunday, April 17 - "The Oil Factor: Behind the War on Terror," sponsored by Chicago Filmmakers and co-presented by Chicago Indymedia, 7 pm, 5243 N. Clark Street. "The Oil Factor" (2004, 90 mins.) is the latest film by Gerard Ungerman and Audrey Brohy, the directors of "Hidden Wars of Desert Storm" and "Plan Columbia: Cashing-In on the Drug War Failure." Narrated by Ed Asner, this new documentary examines the link between the oil industry and current U.S. foreign policy. It includes original footage shot over a four-month period in Iraq, Pakistan and Afghanistan as well as interviews with an array of personalities including Bush administration officials. The Oil Factor takes a candid look at the economic rationale behind Operation Iraqi Freedom." (Harvard Film Archives) "Oil Factor" will be followed by "Chicago Independent Television" (March 2005 episode, 30 mins.), a parody produced by The Chicago Indymedia Video Collective. "We interrupt this broadcast to bring you a SPECIAL REPORT. Live from our nation's capitol Chicago Indymedia presents complete coverage of the protests and events surrounding the 2005 Presidential Inauguration of George Bush. What if the media covered the event the way we would like to see it? What would it look like if CNN focused on our issues instead of theirs? We take you to the swearing in of George Bush and to the protesters along Pennsylvania Avenue. Included are speeches given by activists from around the country, including Chicago's own Andy Thayer, as well as footage of the Presidential Motorcade passing by the angry crowd. Our live coverage continues in Chicago where local activists hold a Counter-Inaugural Parade and Formal Ball in Wicker Park organized by Chicago Resist and featuring the All American Anti War Marching Band. All this is punctuated by our own CNN style graphics and video crawl that tells the story the way we would like it to be told."

Sunday, April 17 - "Siege of an Embassy" a film by Angel Palacios (in Spanish Only) depicts the violent actions taken by the opposition against the Cuban Embassy in Caracas during the coup d'état of April 2002. Doors open at 2:30 pm, showtime at 3 pm, with discussion to follow. Galeria de arte Colibri, 2032 W. 18th Street. $5-10 donation, $3 students, no one turned away. Part of the Venezuela documentary series sponsored by the Chicago Delegation to the 16th World Festival of Youth and Students/ Caracas 2005 and the Bolivarian Circle "Amada Libertad." Proceeds of the series support the travel expenses for the Chicago Area Delegations to the World Festival of Youth and Students. Info: Christina, 773.208.0709, or Valerie, 773.551.3368, or

Sunday, April 17 - Benefit auction, raffle and buffet for the Third Unitarian Church, a progressive West Side church. 12 noon at the Church, 301 N. Mayfield. Info: 773.626.9385 or

Sunday, April 17 - "The Quiet American," Quagmire Theatre's production commemorates 30th Anniversary of the victory of Vietnamese people and the 50th anniversary of the Graham Greene novel. 3 pm, Acme Art Works, 1741 N. Western. Info: 773.306.5402 or rudnergreens (at)

Sunday, April 17 - Ayun Halliday speaks about her new book, “Job Hopper: The Checkered Career of a Down-Market Dilettante,” The irreverent author of “The Big Rumpus” and creator of the underground parenting magazine, “The East Village Inky,” Ayun Halliday has racked up an impressive array of resume-scuttling stints in the paid job market, including life guard, library attendant, costume designer, artist's model, party counselor, massage therapist, and mime -- enhancing them by falling asleep at work, stealing merchandise, and feigning skills she does not possess. Can coming clean about it in print possibly be a good career move? We’ll let you decide… 4:30 pm at Women & Children First Bookstore, 5233 N. Clark Street.

Monday, April 18 – The Young Feminist Book Group discusses “Global Woman: Nannies, Maids, and Sex Workers in the New Economy” (edited by Barbara Ehrenreich and Arlie Russell Hochschild). 7:30 pm, Women & Children First, 5233 N. Clark Street. Women & Children First Bookstore’s book group for feminists in their 20s and early 30s discusses this groundbreaking, disturbing anthology by two best-selling social critics, depicting a new world economy in which the female energy that flows to wealthy countries is subtracted from poor ones -- easing a "care deficit" in rich countries while creating one back home. New members always welcome. Ask for a10% discount when buying for the group. Women & Children First 5233 N. Clark Street. Info: 773.769.9299 or wcfbooks (at)

Tuesday, April 19 - Citizens Alert, Chicago's oldest police accountability organization celebrating 38 years of fighting for justice, hosts its annual fundraising reception honoring Locke Bowman with the Reverend Willie Baker Award. 5:30-7:30 pm, hosted at Sonnenschein Nath & Rosenthall LLP, Sears Tower, 78th Floor. Tickets $38 per person. RSVP by April 10. Make checks payable to Citizens Alert, 407 S. Dearborn, #1490, Chicago, IL 60605. Info: 312.663.5392 The organizers list "Wednesday, April 19th" on their invitations, so call ahead to verify the date!

Tuesday, April 19 - The Nuclear Regulatory Commission holds hearings on a new nuclear reactor planned for Clinton, IL. Come speak out at the hearing, 7 pm, Vespasian Warner Public Library, 310 N. Quincy St., Clinton, IL. Register as a speaker ahead of time (you must register by 4/13) by calling 800.368.5642, ext. 3835, or by emailing them at ClintonEIS (at) If you don't register by the 13th, you may register to speak at the Clinton Library, as long as you arrive there at least 15 minutes prior to the start of the 7 pm meeting. Exelon is currently applying for a licence to build a new reactor in Clinton Illinois. They have not said what size or type reactor they would build, so they can't know how its environmental or safety impacts. We don't know if the fuel would be enriched uranium, plutonium, mixed oxide, or something else. That doesn't mean the NRC won't give them a license now! The government and Exelon appear ready to decree that this will be safe, cost effective, and necessary - all of which are very shaky contention! NEIS is coordinating transportation to this hearing. We will need to leave the Chicago area by 3 pm and return late, most likely after midnight. Those who are interested in joining us should email clintonhearing (at), or call the office, 847.869.7650, to coordinate travel. We will have carpools, or, with enough interest, a bus!

Tuesday, April 19 – "Politics, Revolution And Development: Governance In Cuba", the first in a series of four talks and DVD presentations by Isaac Saney, author of "Cuba: A Revolution in Motion.” Saney is on the faculty of the College of Continuing Education, Dalhousie University. He is also an adjunct professor of International Development Studies at Saint Mary's University in Halifax, Canada. He has advanced degrees in International Development Studies and Law, with research interests in Cuba, international political economy, race and racism, and Black Nova Scotian history, areas on which he regularly lectures and publishes. His teaching has encompassed courses on Cuba, Caribbean political economy, law and human rights and African Canadian history. He has published articles in several journals and magazines, including Race & Class, Socialism & Democracy, Global Research and Peace In Perspective. 7 pm, DePaul University - Center for Latino Research, Schmitt Academic Center - Lincoln Park Campus, 2320 N. Kenmore. Info:, or call the Chicago Cuba Coalition at 312.663.0527 or the Chicago Committee to Free the Cuban 5 at 773.376.7521 (Stan Smith)

Wednesday, April 20 - "Cuba and Southern African Liberation,” the second in a series of four talks and DVD presentations by Isaac Saney, author of "Cuba: A Revolution in Motion.” Includes a showing of the film, “African Stalingrad.” Saney is on the faculty of the College of Continuing Education, Dalhousie University. He is also an adjunct professor of International Development Studies at Saint Mary's University in Halifax, Canada. He has advanced degrees in International Development Studies and Law, with research interests in Cuba, international political economy, race and racism, and Black Nova Scotian history, areas on which he regularly lectures and publishes. His teaching has encompassed courses on Cuba, Caribbean political economy, law and human rights and African Canadian history. He has published articles in several journals and magazines, including Race & Class, Socialism & Democracy, Global Research and Peace In Perspective. 4 pm, Columbia College - Collins Hall, Room 602, 624 S. Michigan. Info:, or call the Chicago Cuba Coalition at 312.663.0527 or the Chicago Committee to Free the Cuban 5 at 773.376.7521 (Stan Smith)

Wednesday, April 20 – Women & Children First Bookstore celebrates the 35th Anniversary of the publication of “Our Bodies Ourselves.” In 1970, they showed us a cervix, talked openly about sex, and confronted the medical establishment. But a lot has changed since then, and now a substantially revised and updated edition of Our Bodies, Ourselves is coming out. Join OBOS Executive Director Judy Norsigian and Chicago-based contributors for a discussion about new issues in women's health. Co-sponsored by the Chicago Women's Health Center ( 7:30 pm, Women & Children First, 5233 N. Clark. Info: 773.769.9299 or wcfbooks (at)

Thursday, April 21 – Author and activist J. Quinn Brisben discusses Sinclair Lewis’s novel, “It Can’t Happen Here,” about an American fascist dictatorship. 7 pm, Acme ArtWorks, 1741 N. Western. Info: OULChicago (at) or 773.384.5797

Thursday, April 21 - "When the Magnificent Mile Was Fairytown and Bronzeville Was Lavender," a lively account of 1930s gay life in Chicago when lesbians and gay men played prominent roles in the then-bohemian neighborhood centered around the Water Tower and in the bustling black neighborhood of Bronzeville. Presented Chad Heap, Assistant Professor of American Studies at George Wasington University, takes us on a journey through the unexplored history of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual Transgendered community in 1930s Chicago from the North Side to the South Side, featuring period photographs. Part of the "Out at CHS: Exploring the LGBT Past" series at the Chicago Historical Society, Clark Street at North Avenue. 5:30 pm, cocktail reception. 6:30 pm, lecture. Admission, $10 general/$5 for students and CHS members. RSVP to reserve your place: or 312.642.4600

Thursday, April 21 - Transit Day Rally, 3 pm, 547 W. Lake Street. Students are leading a Call for Action that same day along with host of other organizations. Info: ncbg_chicago (at)

Friday, April 22 – Crossroads Fund Benefit. Celebrate innovative organizing and raise funds for social change. 7 pm, IIT Tribune Campus Center, 3201 S. State. Info:

Friday, April 22 – Join the South Asian Progressive Coalition as it presents “Voices of Resistance,” an evening of exploration and affirmation of the South Asian dispora through art, music and spoken word. 8 pm, United Church of Rogers Park, 1545 W. Morse. Info:

Friday, April 22 - Gay Liberation Network live call-in show on CAN-TV, 6:30-6:55 pm on Cable Channel 21 in Chicago.

Friday, April 22 thru Sunday, May 1 - Version>05 Festival. The fourth annual convergence is going to blow you away with over 350 artists, performers, media makers, cultural workers and community activists participating in over over 200 different projects, performances, presentations, talks and interventions. Check out the program at: Version design: Version site:

Friday, April 22 - Chicago Filmmakers presents its "GQQ: Gentlemen's (Queer) Quarterly" Series, 8 pm at Chicago Filmmakers, 5243 N. Clark Street. Co-Presented by Center on Halsted. GQQ is a companion to our Dyke Delicious series - but for the guys! Tonight's program features several works by local artist H.D. Motyl, who has been working in the Chicago film and video community for almost twenty years and will appear at tonight's screenings. His short film, "Token of Love," has the dubious distinction of being banned in Japan. His newest film, "Oh Michael/Oh Jesus" (2005, work-in-progress), is an experimental narrative about one man¹s obsessions and fantasies about sex, murder, prayer, the Crucified Christ, and redemption. A man brings himself face-to-face with his inner demons - and deities - and emerges a better man. Also screening are "Token of Love" (1993), "Why I Can¹t Get Rid of You" (1987), and "Messages from Jeanne" (1989).

Friday, April 22 and Saturday, April 23 – Hear independent journalist Dahr Jamail, who reported from Fallujah, Iraq, on the Chicago leg of his tour sponsored by Voices in the Wilderness. 6 pm, Friday, April 22 at the Chicago Peace Museum, 100 N. Central Park, and 6-9:30 pm, Saturday, April 23 at Sonotheque, 1444 W. Chicago Avenue. Info:

Saturday, April 23 - The University of Illinois at Chicago's Middle Eastern Student Society and Students for Justice in Palestine present "Voices for a Free Palestine," 7-10 pm, 750 S. Halsted. Free admission and free Middle Eastern food. Contact uic_mess (at) for parking information. Visit for more info.

Saturday, April 23 -- Chicago Filmmakers presents "Esophagus" by Chicago's own James Fotopoulos, with the filmmaker attending the screening. 8 pm at Chicago Filmmakers, 5243 N. Clark Street. Amazingly prolific local film and video provocateur Fotopoulos' film begins with a pulsating strobe of celluloid flesh-color, dives through primordial celluloid orgy and paleozoic bio-formation, then shifts abruptly to brutal terrorist-holding-cell images in harsh monochrome video, and later a sickly-rust-colored Fotopoulean tribe-unit in dingy low-grade 8mm, each scenario overlaid with deadpan robotic one-liners emerging from the ether, which become increasingly threatening in their ruthless repetition. "We need to gather some food and weapon," one voice drones. "I have useful powers" says another. Soon the camera hovers through lime-black night-visions of unreal cities and desert raids. "If this vision seems inhuman, then so too, today, is our existence. In 'Esophagus' as in our own world, global evolution has taken on the morphology of war." (New York Underground Film Festival).

Saturday, April 23 - Have you ever experienced prejudice or bigotry in the medical establishment due to race, class, gender identity, size, sexual orientation, or for any other reason? Do you have health concerns related to the environment in your community? Are you sick of abstinence-only education? Are you a feminist concerned with healthcare? Have you ever hoped for an alternative to Cook County Hospital? Are you scared to get sick? Are you looking for alternatives to mainstream physical, mental, reproductive and sexual health practices? Join the Pomegranate Radical Health Collective at its first open meeting, noon to 3 pm at Video Machete, 1180 N. Milwaukee, 2nd floor (wheelchair accessible, near the Ashland, Division and Milwaukee buses and the “Division” stop on the Blue Line “el”). Info:,, or 312.924.1820

Monday, April 25 - "Cuba and Southern African Liberation,” the third in a series of four talks and DVD presentations by Isaac Saney, author of "Cuba: A Revolution in Motion.” Includes a showing of the film, “African Stalingrad.” Saney is on the faculty of the College of Continuing Education, Dalhousie University. He is also an adjunct professor of International Development Studies at Saint Mary's University in Halifax, Canada. He has advanced degrees in International Development Studies and Law, with research interests in Cuba, international political economy, race and racism, and Black Nova Scotian history, areas on which he regularly lectures and publishes. His teaching has encompassed courses on Cuba, Caribbean political economy, law and human rights and African Canadian history. He has published articles in several journals and magazines, including Race & Class, Socialism & Democracy, Global Research and Peace In Perspective. 7 pm, Trinity United Church of Christ, 400 W. 95th Street. Info:, or call the Chicago Cuba Coalition at 312.663.0527 or the Chicago Committee to Free the Cuban 5 at 773.376.7521 (Stan Smith).

Wednesday, April 27 – “Deadly Serious Campaign to Eliminate The Nuclear Threat,” presented by Tadatoshi Akiba, Mayor of Hiroshima. 5:30-6:30 pm Meeting with activists of the local peace groups/organizations, at DePaul University’s Student Center Reception Hall, Room 102, 2250 N. Sheffield. All subsequent events are at the Schmidt Academic Center, 154 Auditorium, 2320 N. Kenmore Avenue. 7 - 7:20 pm, documentary film showing of “Hiroshima Nagasaki August 1945.” 7:20 - 9 pm, Mayor's Akiba’s talk, with Q & A to follow. Free and open to the public. Info: ymiyamot (at) or the Department of Religious Studies at 773.325.7385, or 4547, or fotgp (at), 630.860.6792, or 847.670.7826. Co-sponsored by: The office of the President, DePaul University: College of Liberal Arts and Science, DePaul University; Japanese Studies Program, DePaul University; Department of Religious Studies, DePaul University; Friends of the Green Planet; and Stephen Trace Productions.

Wednesday, April 27 - Open Door Repertory Company presents “Leopard Woman,” a new play by company member and playwright/screenwriter ("Beat Street") David Gilbert. Before Ashcroft, there was Joe McCarthy. Before the Dixie Chicks and Michael Moore, there was prison for actors, writers and filmmakers who dared to dissent. In 1950, the studios were grooming Charlotte Hackett for stardom when she refused to sign a loyalty oath. “Leopard Woman” explores her life over the next half-century, through Cuba, Vietnam and federal prison to a shared apartment with her slacker grandson. It’s a story of principle in a welter of chaos, repression and unintended consequences. “Leopard Woman” previews April 27 and 28 (8 pm), and opens April 29, with more performances on April 30, May 6, 7, 13 and 14 (8 pm), and May 15 (2 pm). At Hatch Auditorium, 1000 Ridgeland, Oak Park, IL (6400 W., between North Avenue and Division), entrance on Harvey (just east of Ridgeland). Ample street parking. Handicapped accessible. Tickets at 708.802.1723 or the door. $15 ($12 seniors & students).

Wednesday, April 27 – Author Isaac Saney read from his “Cuba: A Revolution in Motion” and a showing of the film, “African Stalingrad.” Saney is on the faculty of the College of Continuing Education, Dalhousie University. He is also an adjunct professor of International Development Studies at Saint Mary's University in Halifax, Canada. He has advanced degrees in International Development Studies and Law, with research interests in Cuba, international political economy, race and racism, and Black Nova Scotian history, areas on which he regularly lectures and publishes. His teaching has encompassed courses on Cuba, Caribbean political economy, law and human rights and African Canadian history. He has published articles in several journals and magazines, including Race & Class, Socialism & Democracy, Global Research and Peace In Perspective. 7 pm, Oak Park Public Library, Veteran's Room - Level 2, 834 Lake Street, Oak Park, IL (for directions visit Info:, or call the Chicago Cuba Coalition at 312.663.0527 or the Chicago Committee to Free the Cuban 5 at 773.376.7521 (Stan Smith).

Friday, April 29 - Chicago Filmmakers presents "Hypnotic Teen Media," the first program in what will be a regular quarterly series of short films and videos curated by a committee of teens - with an eye on works that are of interest to them and to a wider audience as well. 7 pm at Chicago Filmmakers, 5243 N. Clark Street.

Friday, April 29 – The Alternative Schools Network, The Chicago Community Trust and The Woods Fund of Chicago present “Youth on the Streets: Lost in the Wilderness,” a report and program about the growing crisis for Illinois youth who are jobless and out of school. What we can do to help them finish school and find work? Panel discussion with breakout sessions. Noon to 4 pm, Malcolm X College, 1900 W. Van Buren Street. RSVP by calling 773.728.4030, x179 or email jneis (at) Complementary luncheon. Cosponsors include ACORN, Chicago Project on Violence Prevention, Community Coalition on the Dropout Crisis, Designs for Change, Latinos United, Organization of the NorthEast (ONE), Target Area Development Corp;, The Greater West Town Project, Youth Connections Charter School, and United Neighborhood Organization of Chicago (UNO).

Saturday, April 30 – Please join the Urban Life Center for a fabulous affair at Bailiwick Repertory Theatre’s presentation of “Two Grooms and a Mohel” – not your typical wedding comedy! Also featured will be the presentation of the annual First Voices Award to David Zak, Artistic Director of Bailiwick Theatre, for his progressive artistic vision and educational contributions. “Two Grooms and a Mohel” is a zany, politcally incorrect comedy designed to provoke more than just your sense of humor. It also challenges society’s mores surrounding marriage and its customs, as welll as expectations about having the “correct” life. This will be the play’s world premiere, with playwright Jay Paul Deratany in the audience. The event benefits the Urban Life Center, a non-profit multicultural educational organization which focuses on diversity appreciation and internship placement in Chicago. 5 pm, Bailiwick Theatre, 1229 W. Belmont Avenue. Tickets: $40. To reserve tickets, call 773.363.1312. Info:

Saturday, April 30 - April 30th Sat. Peace Fest Benefit at Headquarters 6313 W. Roosevelt in Berwyn take 290 or Blue Line train to Austin south to 1st light Roosevelt than west. we ask for donation of $5 bands are Roadcrew, New Clear Threat, GP, Mattithias and more TBA, FREE food, BYOB. Info: gnrlpatt (at)

Sunday, May 1 - Participate in the 2005 Chicago Social Forum! The 2005 CSF, a network of local social-movement organizations, peace and justice groups, NGOs, representatives of civil society, activists and interested citizens, will be held at Jones High School, 660 S. State Street. The Chicago Social Forum (CSF) is based on the principles of the World Social Forum, which began in Porto Alegre, Brazil in 2001. Politicians and business interests are pushing Chicago to become a "Global City." The Chicago Social Forum aims toward building a different kind of globalization, one that is rooted in solidarity, equity, and environmental protection and human rights. Of particular importance to this process is the linking of local struggles with global concerns. To learn more about the 2005 Chicago Social Forum and to get information on proposing workshops and becoming a part of the forum, visit, email chicagosocialforum (at) or call Stephanie Dernek at 312.641.5151 during business hours

Friday, May 6 – 47th Annual Eugene V. Debs – Norman Thomas – Michael Harrington Dinner, honoring Linda Rae Murray and Hal Gullett. Murray is President of the Health & Medicine Policy Research Group and Chief Medical Officer, Primary Care, of the Ambulatory Community Health Network. Gullett is President of the Illinois Alliance for Retired Americans, a board member of AFSCME Retirees Chapter 31, and a board member of the Campaign for Better Health Care. Featured speaker is William McNary, Director of USAction and Co-Director of Citizen Action/Illinois, who will speak about “A Perfect Storm Rising: The Crisis in Health Care, Defending Social Security.” Sponsored by the Chicago Democratic Socialists of America. Holiday Inn Mart Plaza, 350 N. Orleans. Cocktails at 6 pm, dinner at 7 pm. Tickets, $50 per person. Must be reserved no later than Tuesday, May 3 (a limited number of tickets may be availabe at the door at $60 per person). Make check or money order payable to “Debs-Thomas-Harrington Dinner Committee” and mail to 1608 N. Milwaukee, Room 403, Chicago, IL 60647. Info: 773.384.0327 or chiildsa (at)

Friday, May 6 - Silk Road Theatre Project's Al Kasida Staged Reading Series and Columbia College's Center for Asian Arts and Media presents “Calling Aphrodite” by Velina Hasu Houston and directed by Patrizia Acerra. In "Calling Aphrodite," the exquisite and distinctive Keiko Kimura's life is critically altered when war arrives in Japan. At ground zero in Hiroshima when the atomic bomb falls, she is horribly disfigured. An American philanthropist engages a New York surgeon to take on the case of Keiko and other women scarred in the bombing - "the Hiroshima Maidens" of legend. As Keiko's crisis crosses borders, her life becomes a quest for enlightenment that can restore her faith in humanity's integrity and grace. The staged reading will be followed by a Q & A session with playwright Velina Hasu Houston. Free and open to the public. 7 pm, Ferguson Theatre of Columbia College, 600 S. Michigan Avenue. "Calling Aphrodite" is being presented in partnership with Columbia College's Center for Asian Arts and Media ( as part of the Woman Warrior Festival 2005 ( The Center for Asian Arts and Media is a multidisciplinary arts center dedicated to supporting, promoting and presenting arts and media programs by and about Asians and Asian Americans. Info: jamil.khoury (at), 312.236.6881, or

Saturday, May 7 - May Day Chicago Labor History Tour. Info: hworthen (at)

Sunday, May 8 – The Chicago Committee to Free the Cuban 5 presents “Waiting List,” Juan Carlos Tabio’s agical comic hit which is almost a Cuban-socialist-humanist “Waiting for Godot.” A run-down bus station in rural Cuba is the setting, a disparate group of passengers are the characters, and it’s the bus for which they wait and which never arrives. Nonetheless, the “passengers” make do with what they have, carrying a larger message about life during Cuba’s “special period” following the cut-off of aid from the Soviet Union and the tightening of the U.S. blockade. In English, with Spanish subtitles, at 2 pm, DePaul University’s Lincoln Park Campus, Schmitt Academic Center, 2320 N. Kenmore, Room 254 (near the “Fullerton” stop on the Red Line “el”). Info: 773.376.7521, 773.465.0177, or uscubachi (at)

Wednesday, May 11 - "The Revolution Will Not Be Televised," part of the Progressive Film Series of the Wellington Avenue United Church of Christ's Outreach Committee, 615 W. Wellington Avenue (call the church at 773.935.0642 for screen time). On April 12th 2002 the world awoke to the news that Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez had been removed from office and had been replaced by a new interim government. What had in fact taken place was the first Latin American coup of the 21st century, and the world's first coup ever caught live on film! Directed and photographed by Kim Bartley and Donnacha O'Briain. (Ireland, 2003, 74 minutes).

Wednesday, May 11 and Thursday, May 12 – “Gang Of Four” at the Cabaret Metro

Saturday, May 14 - Chicago Filmmakers presents its "Who Wants Short, Shorts?," part of its Dyke Delicious Series co-presented by T's Restaurant and Bar. 6-9 pm screening, 8-9 pm social hour, Chicago Filmmakers, 5243 N. Clark Street. Features local, national and international dyke film and video entertainment. We will be aiming for your funny bone, heart, mind and other parts of your anatomy. Wear your cutest, sexiest shorts to enter our Short, Shorts Contest. Prizes will be awarded!

Monday, May 16 – “A Taste for Every Palate,” a food, wine and fine art experience to benefit Women’s Services at Howard Brown Health Center, featuring Alpana Singh, master sommelier and host of WTTW Channel 11’s “Check, Please!” Howard Brown is Chicago’s low cost health center for Chicago’s Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered community. Also featured will be new artwork by Chicago artists Diane Christiansen, Lora Fosberg, Jeremiah Ketner and Anna Kunz, who will denote 50% of the night’s art sales to Howard Brown. Hosted at Architectural Artifacts, 4325 N. Ravenswood. VIP Reception (tickets $125), 5:30 - 6:30 pm. General admission, 6:30 - 9:30 pm. General admission tickets: advance $75; at the door $85. Tickets available online at

Saturday, May 21 and Sunday, May 22 - Hemp Fest Montrose & the Lakefront Cricket Hill bands playing so far, 9MM, Smoke, Tribal Moon, Hells Funk, Secret Agent Bill, Fashion Bomb, Frequency Below, Starrunner, Genral Patton & His Privates also many acoustics, Speakers & Poets. Info: gnrlpatt (at)

Thursday, May 26 - Niles Township Democratic Meetup. Roy Parrish, the only GI counselor for Viet Nam Veterans Against the War, will talk about the plight of Iraq War veterans, as well as the benefit cuts, diminished health services, and other problems facing veterans of all wars. In addition, a representative of Chicago Youth for Conscientius Objectors will explain how young people (and their parents) can handle military recruiters, become a conscientious objector, and more. 7 pm, Edwardo's, 9300 Skokie Blvd, Skokie, IL. Info: visit or email lkyarrow (at)


On-Going Events:

Daily, 7-9 am - Democracy Now! is now in Chicago! Amy Goodman, Juan Gonzalez, and their guests are a daily independent source of news on matters like the occupation of Iraq. WZRD, 88.3 FM

Mondays thru Fridays, 3:45 pm - Hear Pacifica's Free Speech Radio News on WZRD 88.3 FM

Mondays thru Fridays, 6 pm - Hear Pacifica's Free Speech Radio News on WLUW 88.7 FM.

Mondays, 6 pm - Peace Pledge Chicago meetings, 2502 W. Division.

Mondays, 6:30 pm - A.N.S.W.E.R. (Act Now to Stop War and End Racism) coalition Chicago meeting at the No Exit Café, 6970 N Glenwood just south of Lunt. The No Exit is just north of the Morse stop on the Red Line. The first Monday of every month is an educational forum, the second Monday is a work/organizational meeting, the third Monday will be a video showing and the fourth Monday will be a work/organizational meeting. Info: 773 878-0166

Mondays, 7-9 pm - 1st Monday of the month - Monthly meetings of Andersonville Neighbors for Peace, at N. Shore Baptist Church, 5242 N. Lakewood, room 131 (Lakewood is three blocks E. of Clark, and the church is one block N. of Foster).

Mondays - First Mondays of each month - Department of Peace Coalition meetings. 7 pm, Thomas Ford Library, 800 Chestnut, W.ern Springs. (MarjorieZ (at)

Tuesdays, 8 am - Silent Presence for Peace at the Federal Building - Peace Vigil, Federal Plaza, Dearborn & Jackson. 8th Day Center for Justice: 312.641.5151

Tuesdays, 9 am - noon - Progressive radio show on WZRD-FM, 88.3 FM

Tuesdays, 6-7 pm - Weekly protest against the occupation of Iraq, N.W. corner of 95th and W.ern Ave. Proceeds the weekly 7:30 pm meeting of S. Siders for Peace at the Beverly Unitarian Church, 10244 S. Longwood Dr, Chicago. Info: lsw



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