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Zapatista Doll Pies Barbie At GWU Law Lecture

Succombing to a recent trend among raver kids and
sports enthusiasts of all ages, Zapatista Doll has
pied Barbie at one of her most important current
Zapatista Doll pies Barbie but good.

Succombing to a recent trend among raver kids and
sports enthusiasts of all ages, Zapatista Doll has
pied Barbie at one of her most important current

"Being Thin In A Family Of Fat Farts," was to be her lecture
at GWU Law School's Jacob Burns Law Library But egg on her face,
try as she may, Barbie just couldn't get the talk off.

Half the crowd boo'd, half the crowd chased Zapatista Doll into
another crowd outside, one that was protesting Barbie so naturally
gave Doll sanctuary right there on the street.

"Zapatista Doll? What Zapatista Doll? If I saw him, I can't remember.
Nope. Haven't seen Doll. Sorry, try somewhere else, maybe."

This happened Friday, so it was a bit of a wonder why Zapatista Doll
didn't send out a manifesto letter until Sunday morning.

"F^*k Barbie, said the "Letter Of Responsibility." She should just
feel lucky I didn't cut off her arms and legs and whatnot with a Ginsu
knife and feed them into a La Machine."

It was entitled "Why I Throw Pie": An Open Letter From Zapatista Doll."

Some of Doll's manifesto is coming under scrutiny by even his or her
wn movement. "For the same reason men climb mountains," it went on to
say, "because it's there, because they can."

This takes the current pying trend too close to the edge of simple prank,
according to George Mahtin, head of Peace United Justice, Question
Coalition, United Office Workers, Space Action, NAAACP, Veterans For
Price and International House Of Fashion.

"This wasn't a major political statement," said Mahtin, "It's a silly
prank and she needs to grow up. How do we expect anyone to ever give
any of us nutty lefties respect when this is the type of behavior we

"You're, of course, welcome to do whatever you want, I'm just sayin'
you might further all of our causes a bit more if you weren't so
childish and moronic. You should come to our meetings at the Coalition
Network Collective Central Office."

Mahtin said the Coalition Network Collective Central Office is the
biggest group of dues paying peace oriented political sign holders,
rally goers and marchers in the eastern half of the northern half
of the central area closest to the lake.

"Barbie is the clown," says the manifesto however, "and it goes on to
point out that this was a political statement. "Pying Barbie, wasn't
just fun, it was a moral imperative. She's getting to think she's all
high and mighty now from receiving so much funding from rightwing groups."
The letter went on to mention such agencies as the The Lynde and Harry
Bradley Foundation, Heritage Foundation and Nazis for Peace In Space.

Doll also claimed responsibility for dumping salad on Pat Buchanan,
throwing pretzels at Richard Cheney and Karl Rove, and pushing pie
into the faces of both William Kristol and David Horowitz.

"If there's going to continue to be wars and rumors of wars," Doll
allegedly said, "Then there's always a need for custard and bananas
in your face."



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