A Government By The Terrorists And For The Terrorists
Author: Steven Black
Understanding what happened on 9/11 requires and understanding of the shadow government that pulls the strings of the puppets who dance before us in the virtual reality of American media. This short essay will not explain what happened on 9/11. Instead it will give the reader a little insight into the clique behind the event. Future essays will go into greater depth and move towards a greater understanding of how the American people were deceived into believing that a non-existent terrorist organization is real and how this non-existent terrorist organization was blamed for the attacks on 9/11 as a cover for the actions of the shadow government.
The shadow government is a product of the cold war. Before the end of World War II, it existed only as a network of American corporatists who exerted influence over events through manipulation of the private sector and old fashioned corruption. The Bush family is central to this clique which started as a pro-fascist elitist old-boy network funneling money to Hitler's Germany. Herbert Walker Bush is its founding father and gave birth to a son, George Herbert Walker Bush who would complete the coup during his Vice Presidency, but not before plotting the failed assassination of the standing president of the time, Ronald Reagan. Reagan himself was an idealistic puppet of the clique and did its bidding with zeal, but the Bush family tradition is one of murder and George H. W. Bush could not resist the urge to take power before his time and so he planned Reagan's assassination.
Running parallel with the rise of the terrorist clique was the creation and evolution of the CIA, an unconstitutional and illegal organization central to the Bush family's transition from elite Mafioso to shadow government puppeteers. Most of the characters that became the shadow government infected the American Embassies of Latin America and learned their subversive trade by interfering with the governments of those nations, forming alliances with local Latin American terrorists, funding operations through the drug trade and arms smuggling, and even involving themselves in death squads where they learned that for a few dollars they could have any opponent disposed of.
Our first glimpse of triumph of the terrorist coup was the Iran/Contra affair, where the mafia-styled modus operandi of the terrorist clique finally merged with the state and then took its place. What is so significant about the Iran/Contra affair is that its key players can be identified and their personal connections traced. Upon doing this one will find that the current Bush administration is the nothing less than a temporal slice of the same beast. If we can understand how Iran/Contra functioned, how it was financed, and what tools were used to carry it out, we can develop the heuristics necessary for intelligently searching for the answer to the question: Who butchered 3,000 Americans on 9/11 and why did they do it?
Now, you might think I'm using hyperbolae when I call these evil doers "terrorists," but I'm not and I can prove it. I refer you to the National Security Memorandum for Robert McFarlane from Oliver North and Constantine Menges, March 2, 1984, "Special Activities in Nicaragua." You can find this document on page 18 of "The Iran-Contra Scandal: THE DECLASSIFIED HISTORY, Edited by Peter Kornbluh and Malcolm Byrne." Rather than scanning the page and including it here, I have typed the page into this document so that Internet search engines can index its text and key words. In the box below, you see the text of the document. Portions have been blacked out by US Government censors. Blacked out portions are denoted between square brackets. Whenever possible, I've filled in the text between those brackets based on information I've obtained by loose lips (you know, they kind that sink ships). In particular, I've identified the Navy Seals as the source of one egregious terrorist attack based on the statements of a former Navy Seal now living in Indianapolis, Indiana, a former employee of Inland Container and former resident of San Diego, California. Text of special interest have been highlighted in color to make later reference easier.
On the night of February 29, [U.S. NAVY SEALS] emplaced four magnetic mines in the harbor at Corinto, Nicaragua. No attempt was made by the Sandinistas to engage the [SEALS] during the mission. In accord with prior arrangements, ARDE's "Barracuda Commandos" took credit for the operation. ARDE also declared that the entire Nicaraguan littoral is now a "war zone" and that all shipping within Nicaraguan claimed 12nm territorial sea is subject to attack. [ CENSORED] Our intention is to severely disrupt the flow of shipping essential to Nicaraguan trade during the peak export period. [ CENSORED ] In this case, our objective is to further impair the already critical fuel capacity in Nicaragua. This will substantially reduce EPS mobility and hamper their ability to support the ERP/FMLN guerrillas in El Salvador. [ CENSORED ] While we could probably find a way to overtly stop the tanker from loading/departing, it is our judgment that destroying the vessel and its cargo will be far more effective in accomplishing our overall goal of applying stringent economic pressure. It is entirely likely that once a ship had been sunk, no insurers will cover ships calling in Nicaraguan ports. This will effectively limit their seaborne trade to that which can be carried on Cuban, Soviet Bloc, or their own bottoms. The following plan has been developed.
Given past performance by Sandinista military seamen under fire (surrender or jumping overboard), there is little reason to expect that the Nicaraguan crews of a gasoline laden vessel will attempt to "run for it." It is anticipated that the operation can be executed without injury or loss of life. No American citizens will be directly involved in the operational event. RECOMMENDATION That you approve this operation and brief the President using the points above.
cc: Ken deGaffenreid
Let us now examine the statements in the above document and learn from them what we can about the ethics, nature, and modus operandi of the parties involved.
(1) "On the night of February 29, [U.S. NAVY SEALS] emplaced four magnetic mines in the harbor at Corinto, Nicaragua.": As there was no official state of war between the U.S. and Nicaragua at the time, this was an act of terrorism. Additionally, the U.S. had no way of knowing what ships would be destroyed by these mines. Consequently, the act was terrorists in nature. It aimed to cause indiscriminate damage, including civilian casualties.
(2) "In accord with prior arrangements, ARDE's "Barracuda Commandos" took credit for the operation.": The ARDE was a CIA created, funded, and equipped terrorist organization comprised of mercenaries from Nicaragua loyal to the previous Somoza Regime. A prior agreement was made between this CIA created terrorist organization and the NSC (National Security Council) to have the ARDE take credit for an act of terrorism by the U.S. Government. The NSC was acting outside of the law and in violation of a congressional law specifically stating that the U.S. Government could not wage war against the Sandinista Government. This is an example of an illegal terrorist operation employing U.S. personnel and funds under the direction of the Bush clique.
(3) "Our intention is to severely disrupt the flow of shipping essential to Nicaraguan trade during the peak export period.": Under the current PATRIOT Act, such an attack, even if it resulted in no loss of life, is an example of economic terrorism.
(4) "This will substantially reduce EPS mobility and hamper their ability to support the ERP/FMLN guerrillas in El Salvador.": As you will see later in the essay, the NSC was engaged in a simultaneous psyops mission, against the U.S. Government and the American People, aimed at convincing Congress and Americans that Nicaragua was a Soviet Satellite and that the Sandinistas were funding the F.M.L.N. in El Salvador. All of these charges proved to be false. This "argument" was added to the document as a knowingly false argument to support the ends of the mission.
(5) "While we could probably find a way to overtly stop the tanker from loading/departing, it is our judgment that destroying the vessel and its cargo will be far more effective in accomplishing our overall goal of applying stringent economic pressure. It is entirely likely that once a ship had been sunk, no insurers will cover ships calling in Nicaraguan ports. ": Destroying the tanker would be an act of terrorism. The aim, in addition to the psychological terror it would inflict upon the people of Nicaragua, was aimed at economic and political goals (both qualifiers that make the act an act of terrorism rather than mere violence). Another important aspect of this claim is that its goal was to change the behavior of third parties in order force them to act in accordance with the goals of the NSC. Specifically, the goal was to coerce insurance companies to deny coverage of vessels serving Nicaragua. This manipulation of private concerns would forward NSC goals at the expense of private parties. This manipulation of third parties is a technique that the Bush clique continues to use in post 9/11 America.
(6) "This will effectively limit their seaborne trade to that which can be carried on Cuban, Soviet Bloc, or their own bottoms.": Since Nicaragua was not a Soviet Satellite, the Administration was having trouble selling the "Soviet Outpost" perception to Congress. If the U.S. could eliminate trade between all other nations and Nicaragua with the exception of the Soviet Union and Cuba, the U.S. could create, intentionally, the "proof" that Nicaragua was a Soviet Satellite. The proof would be to point out that only the Soviet Union and Cuba were now trading with Nicaragua, a condition created by the U.S. through the prevention of the issuance of insurance to vessels visiting Nicaragua.
(7) "Given past performance by Sandinista military seamen under fire (surrender or jumping overboard), there is little reason to expect that the Nicaraguan crews of a gasoline laden vessel will attempt to "run for it." It is anticipated that the operation can be executed without injury or loss of life.": This statement is self contradictory and belongs in Orwell's class of statements which would include "War is Peace," "Freedom is Slavery," and "Ignorance is Strength. One cannot attack a gasoline laden ship and expect it not to explode. An exploding ship is not a ship that one could "surrender" or "jump overboard" from. Therefore, the conclusion that there would be no loss of life is absolutely absurd. It is included as a means to "plausible denial" of attempt to murder and nothing more. This "denial" is the psychological mechanism needed by the Bush clique to excuse itself from its intentionally murderous deeds.
(8) "No American citizens will be directly involved in the operational event.": The key qualifier in the sentence is "operational." The event, as stated above, is being envisioned, planned, financed and directed by the U.S. Government. The individuals carrying out the event are foreign nationals (in this case, probably Argentines pretending to be Contras). The goals is to pin the blame (or success) of the operation on another party. It is a false flag operation. False flag operations are a cornerstone of the Bush clique's modus operandi.
Let us consider who was involved in this memorandum. We can see that the memorandum is from Oliver North who reported to John Poindexter and from Constantine Menges. It was also copied to Ken deGraffenreid. The memorandum is for Robert C. McFarlane and he is to brief the President (Ronald Reagan) on the operation. It became clear in later investigations the George H. W. Bush, then Vice President, was involved in Iran/Contra illegal off-the-shelf covert operation as well. He was surely in the loop on this one. We now have his son as President of the United States. His son appointed John Poindexter to run the Information Awareness Office, a project ostensibly designed to stop terrorist attacks by monitoring the purchases and electronic activities of Americans. Why would such a man with a history as a terrorist, drug trafficker, and perjurer be trusted with access to the private information of all Americans? It makes you wonder, doesn't it?
Oliver North went on to work as a commentator for Fox News, owned by Murdock. Fox News and other Murdoch publications have been a key asset to George W. Bush's Regime, specifically as a psychological warfare front for the Bush clique with the goal of convincing Americans that al-Qaeda was behind 9/11 and that all dissidents are terrorists. Just who is Murdock working for? I don't think it is hard to guess.
In my next article in this series I will demonstrate how the NSC used tax payer dollars to wage a psychological warfare operation against Americans and the U.S. Congress with the intent of deceiving Americans into believing the Nicaragua had become a Soviet outpost. These were the stated goals of the project. The program was euphemistically given the name "Public Diplomacy" and was a violation of anti-lobbying laws passed by Congress. This same technique is now being used by Bush II to brainwash Americans through the purchase of journalists and television commentators, as we have seen in recent months.
One last tidbit of inside information gained by working inside the gate control centers of Continental and Eastern Airlines during the Iran/Contra period: Continental Airlines was illegally used to shuttle Contras between the U.S. and Honduras (between Houston International Airport and Tegucigalpa Honduras) under the guise of maiden test flights of Continental aircraft. This is a violation of the Neutrality Act. Miami Intentional Airport was used a major smuggling point for the scandal where airline workers were intentionally given illegal passage around security by taking an elevator up to the second floor (an office area) above the passenger terminal where they could negotiate a series of corridors and then take another elevator down to the passenger terminal, on the other side of security. The corporation for whom I worked at that time is now developing software for the Transportation Security Agency (you know, the guys who feel up your boobs at airports and the gals happy to give you a hand-job). Ain't America great?
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