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Christian Zionist dispensationalists preventing peace in Israel/Palestine

Dispensationalism in Christianity holds the belief that a "Rapture" battle will occur in the valley of Armageddon located in Israel. Dispensationalist leaders like right wing evangelist Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell are preventing peace between Israelis and Palestinians to fuel their interpretation of the book of Revelations..
by Thursday, Apr. 07, 2005 at 10:13 PM

Here is an excerpt from Timothy Weber's book "On the Road to Armageddon"


"For the dispensationalist community, the future is determined. The Bible's prophesies are being fulfilled with amazing accuracy and rapidity. They do not believe the road map (Pres. Bush' Road Map to Peace) will - or should - succeed. According to the prophetic texts partitioning is not in Israel's future, even if the creation of a Palestinian state is the best chance for peace in the region. Peace is nowhere prophesied for the Middle East until Jesus comes again."

p. 267

Christian Zionists lean further to the right than der fuhrer GW Bush. Now that's scary..

definition of dispensationalism below from Wikipedia;

"Dispensationalism rejects the traditional Christian teaching of supersessionism. It tends to go hand-in-hand with a very protective attitude toward the Jewish people, and the modern State of Israel. John Nelson Darby taught, and most subsequent dispensationalists have consistently maintained, that God looks upon the Jews as his chosen people and continues to have a place for them in the dispensational, prophetic scheme of things. While virtually all traditions of Christianity teach that the Jews are a distinct people, irrevocably entitled to the promises of God (because "the gifts and calling of God are without repentance"), dispensationalism is unique in teaching that the covenant with the Church is only a provisional dispensation, until the Jews finally recognize Jesus as their promised Messiah during the trials that dispensationalists envision coming upon the Jews in the Great Tribulation. Darby's prophecies envision Judaism as continuing to enjoy God's protection, parallel to Christianity, literally to the End of Time, and teaches that God has a separate track in the prophecies for Jews, apart from the Church.

On the other hand, dispensationalists tend to be energetically evangelistic, with special interest in the Jews because they are "God's chosen people". Dispensationalist beliefs are widespread in many forms of Messianic Judaism, for example, which aggressively seeks the conversion of Jews to a form of Christianity mixed with Jewish ritual and Hebrew language. In some dispensationalist circles, the Jewish converts to Christianity are sometimes referred to as "completed Jews". Thus, while it is at odds with traditional supersessionism (which was formulated to discourage directly carrying over Jewish practice into the Christian Church), dispensationalism generally is markedly at odds with modern religious pluralism, which is typified by the view that proselytism of the Jews is a form of anti-semitism. Also, some dispensationalists, such as Jerry Falwell, have asserted that the Antichrist will be a Jew, based on a belief that the Antichrist will falsely seem to some Jews to fulfill prophesies of the Messiah more accurately than Jesus did. This belief is not essential to dispensationalism. At any rate, dispensationalists are typically, in practical terms, allies of the Jews and enthusiastic popularizers of Judaica, and foes of anti-semitism in the conventional sense."

After having read parts of Weber's book, it is much easier to understand the sources of unresolved conflict between the Israelis and the Palestinians.

Christian dispensationalism predates Hertzl's Jewish State Zionism as a solution to persecution pogroms against Jews in Russia and Europe. After the majority of the Jewish diaspora rejected Hertzl's Zionism, the Christian dispensationalists gave Zionism an extra political boost. The Balfour declaration by Britain was praised and supported by dispensationalists who called for the complete removal of Palestinians from Israel..

The creation of a Jewish State fulfilled dispensationalist's prophetic interpretations that Zionist Israel would bring the second coming of Christ. The battle between the Antichrist and the returning Messiah would result in the subsequent tribulations of "Rapture" or Battle of the Armageddon Valley in Israel when all enemies (read; nonbelievers, Muslims, pagans, etc..) of Christianity will be destroyed and thrown into a lake of fire. After this battle the surviving Jews (many of them die during Rapture because they won't convert willingly) will then happily convert to Christianity..

This sounds like insane logic to most people, it would be a joke if the dispensationalist Zionist Christians weren't so serious and active in promoting their beliefs and political policies on the world. A great amount of funding contributions are coming from televangelists like Falwell to the Israeli military. Falwell also supported South Africa's apartheid regime and DeBeers' diamond mining slavery. DeBeers shipped the diamonds to Israel for cutting..

"Another affiliate of Anglo-American, De Beers, controls 85% of the international diamond market, through mines in South Africa and other countries in the region. De Beers ships many of its diamonds to the Israeli settler state, which is the world's largest diamond cutter and polisher."

"The popular support for apartheid is being led by Jerry Falwell on behalf of Reagan. Falwell is not constrained by the diplomatic niceties of political office and so he does not even have to give lip-service to opposition to the apartheid regime. He also makes false or distorted statements about the South African situation. After his recent trip to South Africa, he attacked Tutu as a phony and asserted that Blacks in South Africa opposed divestment. Both were obvious distortions: Tutu does have a following and is even respected by those who oppose his line; and a survey by a reputable polling organization indicated that Blacks overwhelmingly (75%) support divestment. Also, less than 1% of the Black work force is employed by U.S. corporations. Despite these realities, Falwell continues to promote his lies and to claim ties to the Black churches in South Africa.

Using these distortions combined with anti-communism, Falwell tries to rally mass support for apartheid and raise money. He pledged to raise one million dollars to stop the divestment forces and to support the Botha government. His historical ability to do this is enhanced by his creation of the "non-religious" Liberty Foundation for his reactionary political activities."

above paragraph quotes from;

"The Revolution in South Africa:
An Analysis
A Tribute to Soweto Youth, 1976-1986"

found at;

other info;

Diamond mines in South Africa;

CA Senator Diane Feinstein's unwavering support of Zionist Israel, also Zionist funding source info;

Does anyone remember Bill O'Reilly telling a Jewish caller that he needs to "Go to Israel" if he doesn't like Christian traditions dominating public schools??

Reason for ceaseless violence in Israel/Palestein;

It is against the wishes of Christian Zionists to have peace in Israel..

If peace in Israel exists, the Christian Zionist dispensationalist prophecy of "Rapture" will not be fulfilled..

If peace in Israel exists;
No Rapture, no Armageddon Battle, no mass genocide and forced conversion to Christianity..

When global peace does finally exist;

Everyday Jews, Muslims, Christians, pagans, agnostics and other faith believers going through personal growth in thinking, accepting, understanding and living with one another's different beliefs without divisive interference from bloodthirsty fanatical leaders like Falwell, Bush, Sharon, Wahhabist Saudi Royalty, etc..



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