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Neo Con David Horowitz Pied At A College Lecture

David Horowitz was pied by "college liberals"
right before railing against "college liberals"
at a lecture he was giving to Butler in Indianapolis
which he probably insists is nothing but a bunch
of "college liberals." Go college liberals, wherever
and whoever you may be.
David Horowitz was just about to begin his
tirade against "the leftist domination of
college campuses" when suddenly appeared
a person, a brave person, a person with a
whole bunch of drive and determination.

S/he struck the draconian baboon with a pie
Wednesday night at Butler University.

Horowitz's croneys followed the "enemies"
out of the hall, and confronted them with
what a witness called "pushing and shoving."

But alas, says neocon ,
the attackers got away.

"Yet again, a conservative speaker has been attacked
speaking on a college campus. David Horowitz was assaulted
with a pie shortly after he began speaking at Butler
University in Indianapolis yesterday. Enduring the
humiliation, he completed his speech.

"Regrettably, although the attackers were pursued by
students attending the lecture, they escaped." comments.php?comments_id=1944

"There's a wave of violence on college campuses,
committed by what I'd call fascists opposing
conservatives," Horowitz said. "It's one step
from that to injury." After the incident, Horowitz
completed his lecture.

It was the second time in a week that a conservative
lecturer was hit by a pie at an Indiana university.
On March 30, William Kristol, editor of The Weekly
Standard, was attacked during a speech at Earlham
College in Richmond. Butler spokesman Marc Allan
called Wednesday's incident "deplorable." detail.html 424d82a46c4ee



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