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Chicago Indymedia

LOCAL Announcement :: Media

WLUW Record and Zine Fair

Saturday and Sunday, pick up all the used records and self-published materials you can get your hands on!
Date: April 9-10, 2005

Time: Saturday 10am-6pm and Sunday 10am-5pm
(Saturday Pre-Admission 8am-10am entitles free admission for entire weekend!)

Location: Pulaski Park Fieldhouse 1419 W. Blackhawk, Chicago, Illinois

Price: Regular Admission: $7 or $5 with postcard/any ad
($20 pre-admission Sat. 8am-10am)

For more info: wluwrecordfair (at) or our voice mail 773-508-8076

WLUW-Chicago will be hosting our third annual record fair, a benefit for 88.7fm. The people have spoken and we have listened! This year's fair will be two full days filled with the best selection of vinyl, CDs, posters, 'zines, and art available under one roof in the entire Chicagoland area! Past dealers have said that this is a "super show for both sides of the table", "best organized fair I have ever attended", and "I wouldn't consider missing this fair!" Do you really want to be the only dealer on your block NOT to be at this fair? Didn't think so! Located at the Pulaski Park Fieldhouse in Wicker Park, this event will have aisles and aisles of everything a music aficionado could possibly want! We'll have vendors offering rock, pop, psychedelia and folk, to soul, jazz, country, international, R&B, hip-hop, rock-a-billy and everything in-between! If it's rare or weird, we'll have that too. Also, videos, DVDs, posters, art, and anything that isn't nailed down...We hope this annual event will grow to be the largest and most diverse music collectors' convention in the Midwest!

There will be live music and special guest DJs scheduled throughout the day on both days! Keep checking the website - An updated schedule of bands and DJs will be posted regularly!

On Saturday, April 9th, In tandem with the Record Fair, Diatribe Media will host a day-long brouhaha of self-publishing tastiness.

The Self-Publishing Fair
Like a science fair, but for zines, blogs, radio or what-have-you. If you'd like to submit a project, please contact Kate Sandler as soon as possible. Projects will be on display in the hallway.

11:30 - 1:00: Independent media skillshare
How-to and Q&A on production, promotion, freelancing and more.

1:00: Zine Readings
with Aaron Cynic (Diatribe), Kate Sandler (Brainiac), Emerson Dameron (Wherewithal, Dusted Magazine, etc.), Andrew Mall (Living Proof), Grant Schreiber (Judas Goat Quarterly) and others. To be held on the lawn (weather permitting).

4:00: Self-Publishing fair judging
There are prizes at stake.

If you have any questions on the Self-Publishing Fair, contact Emerson Dameron



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