Reverend Barry Lynn, Executive Director of Americans United for Separation of Church and State, to Deliver Major Church-State Policy Address
Theocracy or Democracy in America?
Thursday, April 7, at 7:30 p.m.
Temple Sholom
3480 North Lake Shore Drive, Chicago
Parking available:
3440 N. Broadway
3660 N. Lake Shore Drive
3440 N. Lake Shore Drive (limited parking)
3600 N. Lake Shore Drive (limited parking)
Reverend Barry Lynn to Deliver Major Church-State Policy Address
Did you know that the Bush Administration has issued many new federal regulations that allow taxpayer money to be used to discriminate in the employment of American citizens based on their religion?
Did you know that Congress will soon take up a bill allowing clergy to endorse political candidates and raise campaign funds from the pulpit?
Did you know that last year the House of Representatives passed two bills stripping the Supreme Court of the power to consider the constitutionality of the Religious Right's legislative agenda to end the separation of church and state?
Reverend Barry Lynn, the Executive Director of Americans United for Separation of Church and State (AU), is considered one of the foremost experts on the preservation of a strict demarcation between church and state. Since 1947, AU has led the way in defending the separation of church and state, the cornerstone of religious liberty in America. As a non-sectarian, non-partisan organization, AU's membership includes Christians, Jews, Buddhists, people with no religious affiliation and others. Democrats, Republicans and independents have joined AU's ranks. AU is an independent organization with no ties to any larger group or political movement.
Sponsored by CHASM
CHASM (Church and State Matters) is proud to sponsor this event. CHASM is a working group of representatives from Anshe Sholom (Olympia Fields), Beth Emet The Free Synagogue, B'nai Jehoshua Beth Elohim, Congregation Solel, Emanuel Congregation, Jewish Reconstructionist Congregation, KAM Isaiah Israel, North Shore Congregation Israel, Oak Park Temple, Or Chadash, Temple Beth Israel, Temple Jeremiah, Temple Judea Mitzpah, and Temple Sholom. Also sponsoring this event are: American Civil Liberties Union of Illinois, Americans United for Separation of Church and State, Chicago Lawyer Chapter of American Constitution Society, the Union for Reform Judaism - Great Lakes Council, University Church, Rockefeller Memorial Chapel University of Chicago, and Protestants for the Common Good.
Please join us for this exciting event.
sandy (at)
phone: 773.924.1234