Meet the New Mc Carthy, David Horowitz Coming to the Theater Near You!
David Horowitz at Bowling Green University on March 30. He was speaking there to push forward his program called ," Students for Academic Freedom". This is a program that is desiged to silence dissent or critism of the far rights political agenda.

I went with a couple of friends to see It has a nice name that sounds the opposite of the facist agenda that it truly is; here is a quote from his book,
"Teachers are entitled to freedom in the classroom in discussing their subject, but they should be careful not to introduce into their teaching controversial matter which has no relation to their subject." This was taken from a 1940 Statement on Academic Freedom and Tenure. Now he wants to take us back to pre World War ll and Mc Carthy era standards.
We met up with a spirited group of activists and students, anarchists, democrats, and Communist Youth Brigade members. We entered the hall outside of the auditorium chanting loudly " If Bush and Horowitz have their way , it's Christian Fascist U.S.A." I was holding a large sign that read "What's next?Books burning!" When we entered the hall we were greeted (or should I say assaulted by) a HUGE flag that was almost obscene in it's largeness and screamed out to me EMPIRE. They also had these tacky red white and blue balloons on the stage on each side of the podium.
I picked up some of the propaganda they had off a table in the back and immediately started to read it. I noticed one of the pamplets had a picture of Noam Chomsky on it dressed as a Taliban and the booklet was dedicated to the ranting and raving about " Noam Chomsky's Evil Mind". The other one I picked up was titled "Why We Are In Iraq : And Why So Many Americans Want Us To Lose The War". To give you a flavor of that one here is one of my favorite paragraphs from it, "Leaders of the Democratic Party have accused the President of taking the country to war under false pretenses, lying to the American people, and getting Americans killed for no reason, except ( so it is insinuated) to line the pockets of his Halliburton friends. Thes are charges tantamount to treason."
The first thing he did when he came out on stage was to try and defend his position on helping to get Ward Churchill fired from the University of Colorado for speaking out against Bush's policies and the bloody history of the U.S.A. against Native Americans. He started to read from a book of rules for academics from Ohio State University until someone from the audience yelled out '"You are at BOWLING GREEN this isn't Ohio State" at that he said "Shutup! this is Ohio State" the audience then started to laugh. He was obviuosly embarresed by the fact that he did not even know where he was speaking at and who his audience was and tried to play it off by saying " I will just read this anyway and you teachers can figure out where it is different from your rule book". Then he started to mumble about maby it wasen't a good idea , I could not help but say "yes maby you should put it away". What an idiot!
He then accused the teachers of working too little ,getting paid too much and having teachers unions as the reason academics were so terrible in this country. He said they get paid $100,000 a year and only work 6-12 hours a week and don't care if anyone even comes to class. At that a professor responded that was not true and he did not make the $300,00 a year that D.H. made. His response to that was ," Well I am worth more". This man did everthing he could to let the audience know that he held them in complete contempt and was entirely disrespectful of them being a well educated audience that knew the issues well.
Some of the highlights: he said that the Republicans had "liberated" hundreds of thousands of minority and poor women off of welfare with the welfare to work program, wekfare mothers milked the system getting $15,000 a year and $100 a month for each child (not true), that the left was responsible for stopping the Viet Nam war and getting millions of people killed, (at that a large section of the audience broke into applause), the Black Panther Party had murdered a woman he knew from the Vindicator newspaper, the left only looked at the leaves but not the forest(?), and a lot of ranting and raving all the while forgetting his train of thought .
Every now and then when it got too much to take a friend of mine from the youth brigade ,Nick, would say loudly," What are you talking about?'. It was that bad he absolutely made no sense.Several times Horowitz would beat his head and yell "Shut up Shut up I can't think!" I had to reply " No Kidding". Then he threatened anyone with intellegent questions to " Shut up or I will have you trown out!" He also told one man " Are you deaf or just plain brain dead". This was in response to another intellegent question. I don't think he properly answed one single question the whole evening. He was prone to droning on and on about totally unrelated subjects that made no sense until Nick would again say " What are you talking about?".
Some of the better questions I remember were " How can you say the U.S. is so perfect when we are number 41 in infant mortalty rates?' Again he insulted the man by saying " Here is another example of you people looking at ther leaves and not the tees" and never answered this properly.Again Nick said " What are you talking about?". He then threatened to throw him out and one man in the audience said " He has made more sense in one statement than you have all night".
When Joey from the youth brigade asked him about teaching truth and the importance of that he responded that this was an ideological question and that everyone's truth is different. He also made a remark about how wonderful the voucher programs are and how everyone is tryin to get in to the U.S. and out of places like Haiti , Africa, and other Third World countries because this is such a great country. He also said that there was no racism in America, only racists and he used Oprah and Condi as examples of making it the "Old fashioned way, hard work". So I guess that means poor people are lazy.
When it was my turn at the mic I asked him if one of those vouchers goes to Muslim schools and he yelled at me that "There are no vouchers because liberals won't allow them"(?) and then I said, " You failed to mention that the reason peole are trying to get in to the U.S.A. is because they are not too many places left on the planet that haven't been devastated by U.S. foreign policies upholding brutal dictatorships, globilization devastating wholre economies, and neo-colonial policies like the ones we are now practicing in places like Iraq. I also told him that if you did not believe there was racism just to visit my relatives on the reservation and to see what is happening out west at the uranium mines. He responded that again racism is a ideological question and that he had no control over Canada(?) . I said the Native Americans were here first and he retorted that they were not.
I could go on and on with how ignorant he was but I believe you all get the picture at this point. The whole event reminded me of when Mao said to allow reactionaries to speak in public and how by doing this they will show everyone how truly ignorant they are. I felt that he acheived this by speaking to an audience that was well informed and for most of them just not having it.
After that fiasco we went to another room and had an intellegent panel of speakers with questions and answers afterwards. R.J. from the youth brigade was one of the speakers and he laid it all on the line in a profound and enlightened way about the whole Christian facist agenda and quoted Bob Avakian. The audience seemed to really appreciate this. The youth also sold about 100 Revolutionary Worker newspapers and made a lot of good contacts.
We need to be [resent whenever one of these reactionaries is promoting their facist propaganda and call them out, I feel we did a great job of doing it this time. Horowitz left Bowling Green saying we were the worst audience he ever spoke to. Again a large section applauded to this.Job well done!