Brain Death
Some musings on the concept of brain death.
It seems odd that in the latest edition of the divertissement of the media circus that the national leader who has demonstrated his fundamental lack of concern about the mortal welfare of the human race should so wholeheartedly embrace the hue and cry to say, someone already adjudged brain dead. Prefacing this discussion is the obviousness of its rhetorical nature in that the current temporal head of this elitist conspiracy called national government is himself but a brainless puppet. But the fact that the invisible to all eyes hump upon his back is clearly broadcasting messages of concern through his patently dry thin pale lips evidences the fact of another duplicitous agenda in full swing replete with ulterior goals counterproductive to the body politic. In light of the ceaseless juggernaut of the rollback of statutory rights of the common man, one can only surmise this must have to do with furthering that arcane notion of vindicating the animate nature of that Templar Masonic limb, AKA, the corporation over those of the individual.
Just to let you know where things stand in a more simplistic sense, one brain extinct Middle American at the mercy of her ex-husband rates more public scrutiny than a hundred thousand Iraqi’s do before our government’s guns. Though it may seem absurd in this elemental sense, this focus does evidence a consistent sort of consistent logic, when you consider that the perfect model for the citizenry of this new millennia is essentially that of a Terry Schiavo. Her base level description in this neo-classic sense of social redefinition might read as follows:
"There but not there, her billable statistics solidly hooked into the body corporate, but unlikely to object to any unexpected shift in an overall policy by the various entities both public and private that control her existence."
Essentially, the ruling elite of our land prefer the notion of 300 million Schiavo’s conveniently visibly animate under their control. Perhaps the only thing that seems reasonable with such a mindset is to increase support for funding of medical methodology to animate her limbs by remote control similar to the latest revolution in military avionics, the pilot-less drone! In this manner, we would never have to face the nagging sleep interruptive issues of the direct effect of our individual action/in-actions. It would all be handled by direct remote control and beyond the perception of our consciousness. The federal government could then be ceded this responsibility as well, along with the irritating burden of our respectively carping consciences.
To some degree the argument can be made that for a significant majority of us who have maintained a consistent track record of remaining silent in the face of the gradual dissolution over last four decades, of all things once termed American, this plan has been previously implemented. As for the rest of us, whatever our respective numbers, we’re next!