The Mobilization for Global Justice and the Justice and Solidarity Collective are providing legal trainings so that everyone, each individual or an appointed legal person from your affinity group, can be prepared to take care of themselves and their loved ones while out on April 15-17 at the IMF/World Bank protests.
***The legal hotline will be posted soon – keep on the lookout***
Alright everyone its training time!! Legal training is an important component of preparing to take our struggles to the street. The Mobilization for Global Justice and the Justice and Solidarity Collective are providing trainings so that everyone, each individual or an appointed legal person from your affinity group, can be prepared to take care of themselves and their loved ones while out on April 16th. There will be three separate training sessions, each offering a know your rights component, a street legal component, and a jail and court solidarity component. MGJ encourages anyone and everyone to come to one of these trainings.
For additional information on your rights and what you can expect if you/your friends get arrested please feel free to e-mail mgj (at) Also, as of April 4th 2005, will have updated informational materials posted. The dates, times, and locations of the trainings are listed below. If you have any questions feel free to e-mail mgj (at) Hope to see you there!
**(All following locations in Washington, DC)**
Legal Training:: Session 1::
April 11:: 6-9pm:: Flemming Center:: 1426 9th and P Sts. NW
Metro:: Mt. Vernon Square/Convention Center on the yellow and green lines and Shaw Howard University on the green line. The Flemming Center is wheelchair accessible.
mgj (at)
Legal Training:: Session 2::
April 14:: 6-8pm:: St. Stephens Church, 16th and Newton Sts. NW
Metro: Columbia Heights on the green line. From the metro take the north bound 14th street exit. Walk north on 14th three blocks. Turn left on Newton (you can only take a left). Walk all the way to 16th. The church is on the corner. There is wheelchair access at the back of the building.
mgj (at)
Legal Training:: Session 3::
April 15:: 6-8pm:: St. Stephens Church, 16th and Newton Sts. NW
Metro: Columbia Heights on the green line. From the metro take the north bound 14th street exit. Walk north on 14th three blocks. Turn left on Newton (you can only take a left). Walk all the way to 16th. The church is on the corner. There is wheelchair access at the back of the building.
mgj (at)
DISCLAIMER: Materials on this sheet are for general informational purposes only and should not be relied upon for legal advice. MGJ and the Justice and Solidarity Collective, as well as the distributors of this information, are not responsible for any action taken after reading this sheet or attending these trainings. If you have a legal question you should consult an attorney in your jurisdiction regarding your particular circumstances.