Jesse Jackson & His Show
Commentary on Jesse Jackson's arrogance
Chicago's #1 media hound, Jesse "support-our-two-party-system" Jackson, was seen getting out of his stretch limo at the March 19th, anti-war rally at the Federal Plaza. The 2:00p.m. speak-out was attended by hundreds of anti-war activists. And Jackson, surrounded by his minions, wasted no time as he proceeded toward the staging area like a hawk stalking its prey. Another photo opportunity? A chance to pontificate before the public? To me, Mr. Jackson's intentions are clear. Self-promotion. His interest far less in promoting an end to U.S. imperrialism than in showcasing Jesse Jackson and his show, the Democratic Party.
Those scheduled to speak were those who had been in the trenches earlier that day, who faced the intimidation of the cops. They - the activists - walked the talk. And Jackson? - all he did was show up at the rally after the dust cleared. Why didn't he, a putative civil rights leader against the Iraq War march with us? Perhaps he has been pandering too much to the Democrats as he did in his support of war hawk John Kerry in the elections last fall. Whatever the case, I am not impressed with Jackson's stretch limo ego or the minions who dance around him.
- Craig Teichen