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Chicago Indymedia

Announcement :: Labor

Ask ABC News To Drop Wal-Mart As "Only In America" Sponsor

United Food and Commercial Workers Union continues to do battle for all of us in its campaign against the antiunion Wal-Mart. Sign the petition by clicking the URL, below.
Wal-Mart is a sponsor of Good Morning America’s “Only in America” series, a series that features the brave stories of so many Americans who make this nation better.

With this sponsorship, ABC News provides Wal-Mart both a format and visual framing to perpetuate a long-term myth—that Wal-Mart possesses a unique American patriotism manifested in practices that promote American values, respect workers, and privilege American-made products. There could be no greater distance between “Only in America” and the reality behind Wal-Mart’s image machinery.

Wal-Mart’s use of its “Only in America” sponsorship is simply another cynical attempt to deceive customers about Wal-Mart’s responsibility for sending more jobs overseas than any other American corporation and lowering U.S. wages.



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