Chicago Indymedia :
Chicago Indymedia

Commentary :: Civil & Human Rights

Finite freedom

March 19 demonstrated that our rights are held in contempt even in more liberal areas of the U.S. Adults in charge are as clueless as children. No wonder children look elsewhere for moral guidance.
Apparently there is a finite amount of freedom in the world. As new nations gain freedom, others lose it.

American rulers are eager to donate our share of freedom. On March 19, 2005, Chicago’s Mayor Daley and his Gestapo forces demonstrated that they had contributed their full allotment of freedom to anyone who would take it. Daley and his cohorts menacingly impeded freedom-loving, war-hating citizens with consciences who attempted to exercise their alleged fundamental First Amendment rights to freely assemble and petition their government to stop torturing and murdering people and leveling their cities to the ground like primitive savages.

Could there have been a more urgent need to exercise our first amendment rights. Daley believes rich people’s shopping convenience is more important than stopping cruelty and murder. That explains why John Wayne Gayce, Richard Speck, Geoffrey Daumer and other serial killers and mass murderers, so prevalent in America and Chicago, can believe their brutal acts aren’t that bad. These choppers didn’t inconvenience any shoppers. In the minds of Daley and Bush, that puts them a moral level above protesters.

Apparently Dick Daley’s version of the Constitution has a restrictive clause, which reads something like: “These rights are valid only if you have a permit signed by your local dictator.”

Being a Dick doesn’t make you a dictator!

The freedom we had was not won by fighting wars in foreign lands. Except for the War of 1812 and the attack on Pearl Harbor, there have been no threats at home. The vast majority of the wars for our freedoms were fought against our rulers in our streets and at our workplaces. The fight to free the slaves, the fight for women’s suffrage, the fight for workers’ rights and the fight for equal rights were gained at the expense of hundreds of thousands of lives and the suffering and sacrifices of millions of progressive people.

Saddam Hussein must be flattered to see his ruling style adopted in Chicago. Saddam can rest assured that as long as there is a Daley in the world, his legacy will live on. All Iraqis and everyone in the Middle East should see videos and photos of Chicago’s March 19 arbitrary intimidation tactics to see what American freedom really is. Of course, if they saw his daddy’s freedom tactics in 1968, they don’t need to be reminded.

If freedom is spreading through the Middle East, as George Bush claims, it is disappearing in the U.S. The U.S. discarded its freedom at every opportunity in the 20th Century. The Palmer Raids in 1920-21 saw the attack dogs of Attorney General Palmer sweep across the U.S. arresting and imprisoning people by the thousands for what they thought. Then there was repression justified by the 2nd World War, the Cold War and the Vietnam War. The vast majority of Americans supported every trashing of the Bill of Rights. Most Americans fear freedom as if it were the plague.

For the 92% of Americans for whom right and wrong are relative, and moral equivalency is the method of judgment, Saddam Hussein and the Iraqi people were not involved in the 9/11 attack. There is stronger evidence that George Bush and his administration were directly involved in the attack.

Practitioners of moral equivalency would not demand the execution of George Bush and his collaborators if it were proven that they were complicit in 9/11. What position would they take? They would wait until Rush Limbaugh or Fox News told them how to react.

In his 23 years of rule, Saddam Hussein killed about 300,000 Iraqis. In half that time, the U.S. invasions and American-led embargo killed 2,000,000 Iraqis. Equivalent American murders would equal 4,000,000 Iraqis or nearly 20% of the population. That is genocide.

Moral people would be outraged. Genocide, as long as the U.S. is the perpetrator, is not significant to Daley and the “law-enforcement” elements of Cook County. The Constitution is even less significant. Granted, most of them don’t understand it.

Bush hasn’t been correct yet, so the alleged “spread of freedom” is as premature as his “Mission Accomplished” banner on May 1, 2003.

The Constitution has meant little for democracy, freedom and equality since the minute it was signed. It was drawn up by rich, white males to serve the interests of rich, white males. It’s an 18th Century horse-and-buggy document. We’re living in the space age. The mindless masses that dominate our nation reamain at the mental level of 17th Century savages.



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