News :: Environment
Midwest and Great Plains Climate Change (figures and graphs)
Figures and Graphs
1. Beginning day snowmelt runoff (1901-2004)
2. Leech L. Dam low temperatures (1890-2004)
3. Global Land Air Temperatures (1880-2004)

Additional information
Beginning Day of Snowmelt Runoff
Special Report – Great Lakes States
Global Land Air Temperatures raw data
CONSERVE, NOW - reduce fossil fuel emissions
NOAA's Climate Monitoring and Diagnostic Laboratory website - on greenhouse gases
-- Question --
"How do we know CO2 in the atmosphere
is increasing? And that humans are
-- Answer --
"Careful measurements have confirmed that CO2 is increasing in the atmosphere and that human activities are the primary cause. CO2 measurements have been taken directly from the atmosphere over the past few decades. CO2 trends for earlier times have been derived from measurements of CO2 trapped in air bubbles in glacial or polar ice. The 30% increase in atmospheric CO2 observed since pre-industrial times cannot be explained by natural causes. CO2 concentrations have varied naturally throughout Earth’s history. However, CO2 concentrations are now higher than any seen in at least the past 450,000 years."
That bothers me.
See also: