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Tues. Vigil for Peace will oppose U.S. war on Afghanistan

On Tuesday morning, peace groups that include the 8th Day Center for Justice will hold a peace vigil from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. at the Federal Plaza in the Chicago Loop. Participating groups have vowed to convene the peaceful witness for peace despite last week's move by federal authorities to cancel all legally permitted activities at the site.
Tues. Vigil for Peace: 8 - 9 AM Federal Plaza

Tuesday, October 16, 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.
Federal Plaza, Dearborn and Adams, Chicago

On Tuesday morning, peace groups that include the 8th Day Center for Justice will hold a peace vigil from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. at the Federal Plaza in the Chicago Loop. Participating groups have vowed to convene the peaceful witness for peace despite last week's move by federal authorities to cancel all legally permitted, constitutionally protected activities at the federal plaza -- as well as farmers' markets and other non-political activities -- out of 'security concerns'. Civil liberties groups have decried this federal restriction of legal dissent, and are challenging the ban in court.

The groups sponsoring Tuesday's witness for peace have organized around the following points of unity:
* We condemn the attacks of September 11
* We mourn the victims of September 11, October 7 and all victims of violence throughout the world.
* We call for an end to the bombings in Afghanistan.
* We call for the respect of all Arab and Muslim communities throughout the world.
* We call for defense of civil liberties.
* We call for communities of conscience and world governments to search for nonviolent actions rather than military solutions.
* We call for the President to resolve the world conflict through diplomacy and international cooperation.
* We call for the US to continue providing life-saving food and humanitarian aid to the people of Afghanistan which could more quickly make the seed bed of hostility toward the US less fertile and lead to the perpetrators of September 11 being handed over to UN authorized personnel.
* We call for bringing the perpetrators of September 11 before the World Court.
* We call for the US government, the IMF/WB/WTO to remove the political, social and economic conditions that breed global violence.
* We call for Peace with Justice for all people of the world.

For more information contact:
8th Day Center for Justice, 312-641-5151
e-mail: 8thday (at)
web site:

Posted as a community service by HammerHard MediaWorks. Labor donated.



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