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We Shall Be Moved By Love

“We Shall Be Moved By Love” Conference

to Voice the Values of the Religious Left
Contact: Bob Janis
Cell: 860.716.4998

Email: bobjanis (at)

Chicago clergy and seminarians, along with members of the community, will gather at a conference Apr. 8th-9th to discover common ground among the varied voices of the religious left. The conference, entitled “We Shall Be Moved By Love: Reclaiming the Voices of the Moral Left”, will bring together different religious traditions to find ways to act in solidarity on our passions for progressive social transformation.

The Conference will take place Friday, April 8th, and Saturday, April 9th, at the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago, 5500 S. University Ave. The conference will include a 6:00 pm Friday night interfaith worship, followed by dinner, and workshops, presentations, and booths from 9:30 am - 4:00 pm on Saturday. The workshops will include topics such as “social justice vs. personal piety”, environmental justice, and peace. The conference is free and open to all.

The “We Shall Be Moved By Love” planning committee is composed of students at several Chicago theological schools, as well as the University of Chicago. For more information about the conference and its organizing group, go to, or contact Bob Janis at 860-716-4998.

Contact: Bob Janis

Day: 860-716-4998

Night: 773-292-9637

Email: weshallbemovedbylove (at)




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