WHEREAS, The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) reneged on their July 2001 written agreement to appear at a public forum to answer the People’s Remonstrance and questions regarding the alleged lack of statutory or Constitutional authority for the federal income tax, and the alleged gross and systemic violations and deprivations of the People’s Constitutionally protected rights, and
WHEREAS, On February 27 and 28, 2002, in Washington DC, at the public forum, with the government in absentia by their refusal to appear, the People conducted a Truth-in-Taxation Hearing, taking testimony, under oath, from credible professionals including former IRS agents, tax attorneys, CPAs, tax law researchers and a former IRS Counsel, whose testimony was supported by recorded irrefutable evidence, finding that the Department of Justice, the IRS and the Courts have been acting in gross violation of the Constitution and the most fundamental principles upon which this nation was founded, and
WHEREAS, On April 15, 2002, each U.S. Congressman in the House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate was served with a copy of the full record of the Truth-In-Taxation Hearing, including a certified transcript of the Hearing, and
WHEREAS, the record of the Hearing produced the 532 statements of fact that are attached to, and made a part of this Petition for Redress, and
WHEREAS, On April 15, 2002, along with the copy of the full record of the Citizens’ Truth-In-Taxation Hearing, each member of Congress received letters from constituents, respectfully petitioning the elected representative to:
"Move to direct the Department of Justice and the Internal Revenue Service to, 1) stop forcing employers to withhold and stop forcing Americans to file an income tax return and 2), place a moratorium on civil and criminal prosecutions of income tax laws and furlough the people currently in prison on convictions of failure to file income tax returns, OR, in the alternative, schedule a full congressional hearing, requiring IRS and DOJ to answer the questions and address the evidence", and
WHEREAS, only 65 of the 535 Congressmen responded to those petitions and each of the 65 responses was a non-responsive response, utterly failing to address the evidence from the Citizens’ Truth-In-Taxation Hearing or the constituent’s respectful letter-petition, and
WHEREAS, On June 10, 2002 at the daily White House press briefing, Presidential Press Secretary Ari Fleischer was asked specifically in regard to the Peoples’ petition for redress concerning the income tax, if the President would direct IRS and DOJ, (which are Executive branch agencies), to honor their July, 2001 agreement with Bob Schulz (Chairman of We The People Foundation for Constitutional Education, Inc.); Fleischer, speaking for President Bush, replied "I'm not familiar with the specific case, and these questions are decided by the people involved", and
WHEREAS, All men are created equal and are endowed by their "Creator" with certain unalienable rights, and
WHEREAS, If the Creator has, in fact, gratuitously provided, equipped and enriched the People with Rights, it follows that those Rights belong to the People and to the Creator, and it follows that any affront to the Constitution (as when government attempts to violate an unalienable Right) is an affront to the Creator, and
WHEREAS, If our Rights come from the Creator, only the Creator can frustrate and deny or defeat our Rights -- that is, government cannot abridge what God has put in place, and
WHEREAS, The Constitution of the United States of America is a strongly worded, Divinely inspired, set of principles expressly intended to govern the government, not the People, and
WHEREAS, By the terms and provisions of the Constitution, the People have established their government and authorized it to act in certain ways, and have purposely and markedly restricted and prohibited the government from acting in certain ways, and
WHEREAS, The Constitution of the United States of America guarantees to every American citizen and to those lawfully on our soil, the right to privacy and to due process of law, and
WHEREAS, The Constitution prohibits and restricts the Federal Government from infringing on those rights, and
WHEREAS, The Constitution guarantees each and every American citizen the unalienable right to life, liberty, and property, and
WHEREAS, Each of the Constitution’s prohibitions and restrictions on government’s power is, in fact, another unalienable right enjoyed by every citizen and legal resident on American soil, and
WHEREAS, The People of this nation are entitled, by right, to a system of taxation that does NOT violate any of their Constitutionally protected unalienable rights, now therefore
WE THE PEOPLE hereby petition the Executive and Legislative Branches of the Federal Government for a redress of grievances relating to the federal income tax.
WE THE PEOPLE respectfully request that the President of the United States of America, each member of Congress’ House of Representatives and each member of Congress’ Senate honor their oaths of office to uphold the Constitution, by honoring their obligation to respond to this Petition for Redress of Grievance.
WE THE PEOPLE respectfully request, that by December 31, 2002, the President of the United States of America:
1) Direct the Department of Justice to immediately cease all civil and criminal investigations, grand jury activity and prosecutions related to enforcement of federal Individual Income Tax laws; and
2) Direct the Internal Revenue Service to immediately cease all investigations, enforcement and administrative activity related to the payment of taxes on individual income; and
3) Immediately order the release of all persons currently in prison on convictions of crimes related to the individual income tax, including "failure to file", even if other non-violent crimes were committed in an effort to protect property or avoid payment of taxes on individual income; and
4) Grant immediate Presidential pardons to any individual that has been convicted of an income tax crime, either federal or state, even if other non-violent crimes may have been committed in an effort to protect property or avoid the payment of taxes on individual income; and
5) Direct the IRS to inform the general public, all employers and tax payers that wage withholding, filing of returns and payment of monies for individual income tax purposes is not mandatory, and may be stopped immediately without further legal obligation or penalty; and
6) Submit to Congress a bill calling for the formal repeal of the federal Individual Income Tax laws.
WE THE PEOPLE, respectfully request the Congress of the United States of America, in order to maintain the flow of adequate revenue to the government, to implement a fully Constitutional system of taxation, which may include modifications to the current mix of uniform indirect taxes (excise taxes, tariffs, duties and imposts) and the implementation of apportioned direct taxes, as explicitly provided for, and limited by, Article 1 of the Constitution.
ATTACHMENT: Statements of Fact from the Citizens' Truth-in-Taxation Hearing held February 27 and 28, 2002, in Washington, DC.
Respectfully submitted this ______ day of ___________________ , 200__ by:
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