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Chicago Indymedia

LOCAL Announcement :: Civil & Human Rights : Peace

US Rep Cynthia McKinney in Town 3/19

The Struggle Against War & Racism
An evening with U.S. Rep Cynthia McKinney
6:30 PM Saturday, March 19, 2005
University Church - 5644 S. University Ave.
Chaired by Cliff Kelley, WVON Radio Host
Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, Democrat of Georgia, will address an audience at University Church on Saturday, March 19, at 6:30 p.m. on the issue of Race and the Anti-War Movement. Cliff Kelley, WVON radio host, will chair the event.

McKinney has earned a reputation as a strong and principled fighter for human rights. She is viewed by many, nationally and internationally, as the most courageous politician in America. While serving in Congress from 1992 - 2002, she introduced, fought for, and helped to pass critical legislation supporting the rights of the people over corporate interests.

In 2001, Cynthia McKinney became one of the first members of Congress to demand a thorough investigation into the events of September 11, 2001, and one of only two members of Congress to voate against going to war against Iraq. Due to her challenge to the administration's unsubstantiated rationale for war, an estimated 40,000 Republicans used "crossover" voting to defeat McKinney in the Democractic primary.

In 2005, she was returned to office, after winning her seat back in the 2004 elections with the support of the people, whose overwhelming response to her care for them led to her stunning victory.

McKinney's visit to University Church is being sponsored by the Hyde Park Committee Against War and Racism and the ANSWER Coalition-Chicago. The church is located at 5655 S. University Avenue. The event follows a day of protest, demanding, "Bring the Troops Home Now!." with a 12:00 noon march (proposed step off on Oak Street between Michigan and Rush) and 2 p.m. rally at Federal Plaza. Reprentative McKinney will be joining this event as well.

For further information on the McKinney event, call 773-363-8142. For further information on the anti-war march and rally, call 773-209-1187.



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