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Summary of Testimony on Climate Change to MN Lawmakers

Presention to Minnesota Senate Jobs, Energy, Community Development

Testimony on Climate Change by Meteorologist Paul Douglas and Arctic Explorer Will Steger on 21 February 2005 at the Minnesota State Capitol.
Summary of Testimony on Climate Change


On Monday, February 21 Will Steger and Paul Douglas provided testimony to the Senate Jobs, Energy and Community Development Committee on the causes and effects of global warming. Both experts stressed that climate change is real, and it will have severe impacts on Minnesota and the world unless action is taken.

Meteorologist Paul Douglas called Minnesota the "canary in the coal mine" for damages from global warming. "Using the sky as an easy sewer for man-made gases is now starting to have some unanticipated and unpleasant side effects," he said.

Arctic explorer Will Steger used photos and stories from expeditions to the Arctic and Antarctic to demonstrate the tremendous impact climate change has had on the polar regions and native inhabitants. He called on legislators to take strong action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Steger told the committee that the scientific community agrees on the causes and dangers of global warming, and the United States--responsible for 25 percent of worldwide greenhouse gas emissions--is still debating the issue.

Read more about the testimony.
View the video of the hearing.

Minnesotans for an Energy-Efficient Economy


Pat Neuman
Climate Studies Specialist



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