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LOCAL News :: Environment

Upper Midwest Climatology: New Figures and Graphs

Figures and graphs are now shown at CHICAGO IMC. Please see the list below and the active link that follows... for public viewing.

Figures and graphs

1 Global Land Air Temperatures (1880-2004)

2 Air Temperature at Minneapolis, five year moving averages (years 1820-2004)

3 Beginning Day of Snowmelt Runoff, ten year moving averages (1900-2003) for:

Red River at Fargo, ND
St. Louis River at Scanlan, MN
St. Croix River at St. Croix Falls, WI

4 Monthly dewpoints at Fargo, Duluth, Eau Claire, ten yr mov avgs, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr (1948-2003)

5 Minneapolis annual dewpoints (5 year moving averages (1918-2004)




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