These people must be brought before the people and jugded for their treason and crimes against humanity!!
From: Jolly Roger
I would like to thank all the members of the House, the Senate, the federal law enforcement and intelligence agencies, our military leaders, and the department of homeland security for letting the American people know exactly where you stand on the issues of high treason, and the mass murder of American citizens.
Not to imply that any of you have honestly stated your position, but that your actions have shown that you condone these atrocities, and have no qualms about allowing people to profit from them. It has also become obvious that you support the destruction of our constitution, as well as the end of Americans' freedom, with all the effort you can muster.
Millions of Americans now know that the attacks of September, 11, 2001 were orchestrated by people within the United States government, and I refuse to believe that everyone in congress and the senate isn't aware of this too. All of you have received countless letters asking for an honest investigation of
the attacks, but your silence on the matter seems to indicate that an honest investigation was never really an option.
Instead, most of you have lied, helped to hide the truth, or at least avoided the truth, and then worked to pass oppressive laws that undermine the constitutional rights of Americans,
and lay their freedom to waste in a fraudulent "war on terror," as a response to the synthetic terror you've endorsed.
You shamelessly capitalized upon the horror of 9-11, and used it as leverage to destroy all that America stands for, and
because it's now known that people in our own government were responsible for the attacks, your true motives have been exposed, as well as your derision of our freedom and civil rights.
The salt is applied to the wound when Americans discover that you've brought them generations of economic despair in order to
finance your wars against the rest of the world, after you attacked your own country to justify it all. I could never imagine a more horrible series of crimes, or a more complete, and arrogant betrayal of the American people.
Every one of you swore to defend America's constitution against all enemies, foreign or domestic, but apparently you forgot that oath at the drop of a hat, in favor of expanding your power and paycheck, at the expense of hundreds of millions of working Americans.
How much are you being paid to assist in the betrayal and slaughter of the great nation you were given the privilege to
How much of you is for sale?
You've plundered the national treasury, squandered our financial security, and robbed us of the standard of living we've earned, and all of this wealth has been removed from the American people, and put into the hands of your corporate
masters, and the gears of your war machine.
The American people have been ruthlessly betrayed by those who were elected to represent them, and as a result, the democratic institutions and constitutional protections that millions have fought and died to preserve, now only exist in political
Whenever Dictator Bush boasts about our freedom, the American
people can expect to lose a little more of it.
The prosecutors, district attorneys and attorneys general all refuse to pursue the truth of 9-11, and choose to ignore a mountain of evidence that millions of Americans are trying to bring into a court of law. We've always been told that our court system is the best in the world, but if one segment of society is above the law, our court system has nothing at all to do with justice.
Millions of poor people are sent to jail, and sometimes executed with much less evidence, but because the truth of 9-11 implicates rich, and powerful people, it's never allowed into our courts.
Why don't any of our detectives seem to have a clue?
I also refuse to believe that members of the NYPD don't know who's responsible for the September 11 attacks, but they turn a blind eye to the most heinous crime ever committed on American soil, the memory of their murdered comrades, and instead choose the role of being hired goons for the killers.
We all have to decide individually whether we stand for good, or evil, but I think that a group of people calling themselves "New York's Finest," should be expected to show some hint of courage, honor, or moral fiber.
Anywhere in the world where the rulers are above the law, the integrity of law enforcement personnel vanishes, and police
are reduced to being mere thugs at the beck and call of those in power. If they lack the integrity that can only be supplied by serving justice and the rule of law, they're just another gang of punks, and they don't deserve anyone's
This can never be America again unless justice is served in America's biggest crime, but our entire law enforcement community has decided to ignore this act of mass murder and instead continue harassing poor people, fully knowing that
they've become nothing more than a goon squad for the rich. I guess they feel that their paltry pay-check justifies the end of Americans' freedom, and adequately compensates them for ushering the United States down the road to fascism.
Why is no one in any branch or our government in favor of an honest investigation, and punishment of the guilty? I was hoping that someone on the government payroll would be interested in allowing the United States to move forward as one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all, but
they seem to have planned a future for us that denies what America has always stood for, and what Americans have always fought for.
The government of the United States of America now exists to bring about the end of freedom, justice, and liberty, because the American people, in their weakness, ignorance, and
apathy, have allowed them to do so.
The fact that so many people do know the disturbing truth about 9-11 and remain silent on the issue, is absolute proof that Americans are living in fear, under tyrannical rule.
Americans who once cherished and defended their right of
free speech, are now afraid to speak, and since we can now be denied the due process that was once guaranteed by our constitution, that fear isn't unfounded.
Add that sad fact to the horror of our government's control over the news media, and the first and sixth amendments to our constitution, aren't worth the ink they were written in.
There are also Americans who choose ignorance, because they're afraid to face the disturbing truth. Unfortunately for them, and the rest of us, the truth isn't something that goes away if you ignore it, and in the case of 9-11 truth, ignorance and apathy will destroy our nation, and turn our lives into
Anyone who does honestly believe that Islamic terrorists were
responsible for the events of 9-11, needs to look just a little past what our news agencies are willing to publish about the events of that day.
The propaganda machine that many Americans refer to as "the news," has been very successful at turning Americans into Nazi's, so there's still no shortage of idiots goose-stepping behind Bush, but sooner or later they will wake up very
ashamed of themselves, and we can only hope this happens before America is irreversibly destroyed.
Once someone does realize what's happening to this country, and how Americans have been duped by the "news" industry, their civic and patriotic duty demand that they do all they can to inform as many Americans as possible, and because the apathy is what's killing us, everyone who's not exposing our fraudulent
government, and resisting their insane agenda, is the enemy. "If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem." This has never been a more relevant statement, because the cover-up isn't being carried out by a handful
of spies. It's the work of everyone who's not talking about it, and this silence is rapidly destroying our nation, and threatening our lives.
Some people might remain silent because exposing the truth of 9-11 can never bring back the 3000 people who were murdered that day, and they might even rationalize their silence with the myth which claims that exposing the truth might even do American more harm. These people have to ask themselves if
America can be stopped from pursuing the dangerous path it's on once it has already traveled a certain distance. 9-11 was only the beginning of a horrible future for America, and if it's ignored, our problems will only multiply, and what's left of our freedom will disappear.
What city will host the next phony terrorist attack, and how many will need to die the next time unjust wars need justification?
How much genuine terrorist activity do we inspire when we
invade sovereign nations without cause and torture the population?
Most Americans won't become involved until it hurts them personally. As long as their lives are comfortable they'll assume they can ignore their government for another day. They'll turn their heads as long as their apathy brings death to
someone else's door.
If this describes you, I hope your home burns to ashes around you, because only then, will you pry your a++ off the couch and do something about it. Anyone who thinks they can hide, or that their wealth or their government will protect them, is seriously mistaken.
In the next few years, every American's life is going to change, in very dramatic ways.
Our armed forces are fighting for oil. The only people who are fighting for freedom and justice are the members of the 9-11Truth Movement, and every American should be helping them to expose our government's involvement in the attacks of 9-11. If we're successful, we may someday live in freedom, peace
and prosperity. If we fail, we will have only ourselves to blame for decades, if not generations of war, poverty, and oppression, throughout the world.
- Jolly Roger
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem." - Eldridge
P.S. - check out:
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