LOCAL Announcement :: Miscellaneous
Monday: Meeting three in "Beyond Capitalism" series
"Directly and Indirectly Social Labor: What Kind of Human Relations Can Transcend Capitalism?"
Meeting 3: Monday, March 7, 6:30 p.m.
Beyond Capitalism: Marx's Concept of an Alternative: A series of five open discussions
Meeting 3: Monday, March 7, 6:30 p.m.
Directly and Indirectly Social Labor: What Kind of Human Relations Can Transcend Capitalism?
Leading off the discussion:
Peter Hudis, co-editor of The Rosa Luxemburg Reader (Monthly Review Press)
* Karl Marx: Critique of the Gotha Program, section 1
* Marx: Grundrisse, critique of Darimon, pp. 122-49 (Vintage edition)
* Raya Dunayevskaya: "Response to Questions on State-Capitalism" [1940s]
* Dunayevskaya: "Dialectics of Revolution and Women's Liberation," chapter 15, The Power of Negativity
* Georg Lukács: The Process of Democratization, chapter 6
* Paresh Chattopadhyay: "A Manifesto of Emancipation: Marx's 'Marginal Notes' 125 Years Later"
Copies of reading material, as well as a list of supplementary readings for each class, are available from News and Letters Committees. Some readings can be found at the URL below.
All meetings held at:
News & Letters Library
36 South Wabash, Room 1440
(312) 236-0799