The Nazi (Neocon) party
Anyone who has studied the history of the Nazis would be hard pressed to differentiate between a Nazi and a Neoconservative.
The Neocons embrace the ideals of fascism and despise the ideals of democracy. They are suppressing any form of dissent , free speech or justice as demonstrated in the cases of Ward Churchill and Lynne Stewart. They have deployed a finely tuned propaganda machine made to manufacture consent. They commit crimes against humanity using depleted uranium munitions an act of genocide every bit as evil as the gas chambers. They torture and imprison people in concentration camps without charge. They have started a war of aggression and are guilty of all the crimes the Nazis were tried for at Nuremberg. They control the minds of the people with a steady flow of nationalist and religious brainwashing. They have a leader who is intellectually challenged, immature, mentally unstable and completely out of touch with reality.
So when are people going to wake up and start calling these Nazis Nazis? I'd like to think before New York is fire bombed like Dresden, but I'm not holding my breath. Isn't it time the left got some balls and went on the offensive against the Nazi party? We need to out these Nazis before they completely shred what's left of the constitution, make it illegal to call them Nazis, and start rounding up dissidents sending them to the concentration camps. Sound far fetched? well maybe if you're completely ignorant.
The greatest and perhaps the only weakness the Neocons have is being outed as Nazis. Better do something now before we too are silenced and sent to the gas chambers. The German people ignored what was being done in their names because they were too busy enjoying their prosperity and they allowed their leaders to gain too much power through fear and ignorance. Sound familiar?
The price of "freedom" and "democracy"-