Chicago Indymedia :
Chicago Indymedia

LOCAL Announcement :: Protest Activity

Books Not Bombs Events

Books Not Bombs Event for March 4-5
Protest Leo Burnett and speak out against U.S. led military occupation
Friday March 4 3-6pm
Protest Leo Burnett - Advertising firm who just recieved 6 month, 100$ million contract for their "Army of one" campaign!
Dearborn and Wacker- Chicago Illinois
The Advertisements put out by the military promises money for education, jobs, and adventure in the armed forces. These are just a few myths the military tries pushing on working class youth. In reality, our generation is being recruited to fight a never ending 'war on terrorism" while veterans benefits are eroding, tuition is rishing, and real wages declining.

Speak out against the militarization of a generation!
Open Mic/Poetry Slam!
Featuring Son Del Viento and Poetic Slang
Saturday March 5 2005 7pm-11pm
Decima Musa
1901 s. loomis Chicago
(just south of loomis blue island and 18th in pilsen)
$5 requested donation

-Remember folks, this war isnt over and may never be over... unless we stop it! So support the movement to bring 'em home, end the occupations, and stop the racist poverty draft!



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