Historian and race studies scholar Dr. Noel Ignatiev will discuss "The Invention of Race: Palestine, a Contemporary Example". His talk will outline the history of race, focusing on the United States, and then consider today's situation in Palestine, which he considers a "laboratory example" of race in formation. Dr. Ignatiev is a History Professor in the Department of Critical Studies at Massachusetts College of Art, a Fellow at Harvard's W.E.B. DuBois Institute, author of the highly-acclaimed book How the Irish Became White, and co-editor of Race Traitor, Journal of the New Abolition.
JUST ADDED: Dr. Adam Sabra, Associate Professor, History Department, Western Michigan University, scholar of Islamic History, Medieval Egypt, Social and Religious History, and Islamic Law. Dr. Sabra is a contributor to Race Traitor, and author of “The Jewish Caste in Palestine” (
Free and open to the public. Sponsored by Loyola Campus Greens, Graduate Association of Sociologists, Department of Sociology, Department of History, and Department of Political Science.
Contact: T. Smith at
tsmith6 (at) luc.edu