In Argentina, groups of workers are taking over bankrupt workplaces and running them democratically - without bosses. The Take, a political thriller directed by Avi Lewis and written by Naomi Klein, is one answer to the question posed by both critics and supporters of radical movements worldwide: "We know what you're against, but what are you for?"
THE TAKE - a film by Avi Lewis & Naomi Klein
Music Box Theater / Feb 18-24
3733 N. Southport Ave, Chicago
For showtimes, please visit:
Please support the Chicago Workers' Collaborative table outside the theater during the opening weekend. **Details below.
"In screening of THE TAKE across Canada and the U.S., people have been spilling out into the street afterwards, talking excitedly about economic democracy, popular participation, and horizontal organizing. THE TAKE is a rousing and hopeful kick in the butt- a reminder that another world is possible, and that people around the world are dreaming it into being."
-Avi Lewis, Director of THE TAKE
Are you ready to Fire the Boss?
In Argentina, groups of workers are taking over bankrupt workplaces and running them democratically - without bosses. The Take, a political thriller directed by Avi Lewis and written by Naomi Klein, is one answer to the question posed by both critics and supporters of radical movements worldwide: "We know what you're against, but what are you for?"
Occupy. Resist. Produce. See This Film.
To view the trailer visit:
For more information about the film, visit:
To see a list of other cities where The Take will be playing, visit:
**Check out THE CHICAGO WORKERS' COLLABORATIVE Info Table during The Take's opening weekend. Low-wage day laborers who work in temporary staffing agencies have united together with faith-based and community organizations to form the Chicago Workers' Collaborative. The Collaborative seeks to raise the labor standards of low-wage workers by fighting against exploitive companies, promoting companies that agree to improved working conditions, and forming our own worker-owned cooperative businesses. For more information contact Tim Bell at 773-230-0351
Help us create and maintain a buzz in Chicago through your activist networks and beyond. In order for a film to reach the widest audience possible, we are relying on people to help spread the word via their networks & friends - especially during the film's first weekend in theatres.
Hope you can make it!
Help spread the word about THE TAKE & other socially conscious projects! Join The Take's mail list:
- The New York Times
"A cross between Michael Moore's caustic style and Ken Loach's eloquence."
- The International Herald Tribune
"Builds tension like a quality thriller....a remarkable film that demonstrates that in the fight against corporate globalization, resistance isn't futile."
- Mother Jones
"Excellent! A classic victory for the little guy... If it were shown in U.S. cities hit by factory closures, it might give unemployed Americans ideas."
- New York Daily News
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Thank-you for your support,
The Take's Grassroots Team.