Concerned about jargon/language in IMC uploading of video/audio files
What if today's version of Lois Gibbs of 3 Mile Island whistleblowing fame wanted to post video/audio files on Indy? Would she take the time to figure out all the jargon used just to know what kind of file to upload?
(note: I tried to publish this to the global.indy site, but was met with problems, including a prompt saying the server was down after I sent text for publishing. So please keep this here and pass word onto them.)
How about making it *easier* for people who are not well-versed in the latest jargon of media uploading technicalities to post their video/audio media?
What's up with this trend?
For example, Cleveland Indy Media keeps it simple and straight-forward, and names the files that one can upload. While Champaign-Urbana (and many others), don't, and instead are talking about things (jargon) that they give no place to understand the words/concepts/phrases used!
How about bringing it back to simple, straight-forward language! Not everyone is college-educated in media work who contributes or wants to contribute to the Indy project! Imagine if someone like Lois Gibbs, the Three Mile Island mom who was THE instrumental figure in getting things happening there, wanted to upload audio/video and had to spend hours just trying to figure out the language on Indy! She WOULDN'T DO IT!
So, you're doing a fine job, generally, it's just that you *ought* to make things more accessible in terms of language.
I'm not leaving an email address because I figure you will work this out amongst yourselves. By the way, it would be nice if more IMC pages gave the ability to upload .wav files! What's the big deal?
Thanks for listening!