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Chicago Indymedia

LOCAL Announcement :: International Relations : Peace

Military Families & Vets Speak Out! End the Occupation! Bring the Troops Home!

The government spends billions of dollars on an unjust war and occupation in Iraq while public colleges are raising tuition for lack of funds....
Military Families & Vets Speak Out!
End the occupation! Bring the troops home now!

Guest speakers

Connie Cominsky of Military Families Speak Out

A Representative from Iraq Veterans Against the War (invited)

Eric Ruder, journalist from Socialist Worker newspaper

The government spends billions of dollars on an unjust war and occupation in Iraq while public colleges are raising tuition for lack of funds. Students are enticed by military recruiters with promises of free college tuition, only to wind up in the desert risking their lives in a war without justification. Come hear from veterans, military families, and activists about the horrors of this war, and discuss what it will take to fight the lies of the military recruiters and build a movement that can bring the troops home now!

2pm Thursday, February 24
Room 319, Harold Washington College, 30 E. Lake

Sponsored by the HWC Socialist Club. For info e-mail loop_chicago (at)



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