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Chicago Indymedia

LOCAL Announcement :: Media

YSS Movie Night - Feb. 26 at Truckers' Union Hall

Please join us for a night of conscious raising and a reality check.
Please join us for a night of conscious raising and a reality check.

Bush (and company) are preparing to spend another $80 billion dollars plus in Iraq and Afghanistan while they cut homeland educational and social programs. They're also preparing to renew portions of the Patriot Act and of course this administration is preparing to widen the war to
include Iran and Syria. All of this taking place while the majority of Americans sit back and watch their favorite reality shows...(living life through others)

The 4th World War is a docu-movie that needs to be
witnessed and experienced if for nothing else to awaken our humanity and to hopefully encourage others to unite under the banner of REAL change. These changes will have to be done without the politicians (Democrats and Republicans alike) because it has become all to clear that they have
another agenda. Politicians are not our leaders, they are suppose to be our public servants. They have sold us out!!!

True leaders were never elected, they just spoke the truth and people followed the path to truth and honest actions.

YSS Presents
The 4th World War
a Big Noise Films Production

Date: February 26, 2005 (Saturday)

Location: Truckers Union Hall
(near Ashland and Marshfield)

Time: Doors will open at 6pm
(open mic 6pm to 7pm)
Movie will start at 7pm (running time 1hr 10 mins)

Suggested donation $5 (but no one, absolutely no one will be turned away because it's more important for people to see this movie.)

Contact: ysschicago (at) or
mexicapride (at)



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