Chicago Indymedia :
Chicago Indymedia

LOCAL Announcement :: Civil & Human Rights : International Relations : Miscellaneous : Peace

Race and Palestine

"The Invention of Race: Palestine, a Contemporary Example"
Dr. Noel Ignatiev
Friday, February 25th at 7pm
Loyola University Chicago
Damen Hall, 10th floor Hussey Lounge
6525 N. Sheridan Rd.
Loyola stop on the red line el
"The Invention of Race: Palestine, a Contemporary Example"
Dr. Noel Ignatiev

Friday, February 25th at 7pm
Loyola University Chicago
Damen Hall, 10th floor Hussey Lounge
6525 N. Sheridan Rd.
Loyola stop on the red line el

Historian and race studies scholar Dr. Noel Ignatiev will discuss "The Invention of Race: Palestine, a Contemporary Example". His talk will outline the history of race, focusing on the United States, and then consider today's situation in Palestine, which he considers a "laboratory example" of race in formation. Dr. Ignatiev is a History Professor in the Department of Critical Studies at Massachusetts College of Art, a Fellow at Harvard's W.E.B. DuBois Institute, author of the highly-acclaimed book How the Irish Became White, and co-editor of Race Traitor, Journal of the New Abolition.

Free and open to the public. Sponsored by Loyola Campus Greens
Contact: T. Smith, tsmith6 (at)



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