LOCAL Announcement :: Protest Activity
Army Recruiters Get Shut Down at UIC!!!
By now everyone has heard about what happened at Seattle Central Community College where hundreds of students surrounded recruiters, shouted them down, tore up their materials and forced them to flee under the protection of campus security. But it may come as a surprise to learn that the action at UIC was undertaken by about 15 people, involved no physical altercation and very little shouting, and was just as successful in forcing Army ROTC recruiters to pack up their literature table and storm off in obvious frustration this afternoon.
Using a diversity of tactics that included passing out educational leaflets, talking with potential recruits, picketing with handmade signs, verbally challenging the recruiters lies, and simply maintaining a visible and vocal presence for a period of about 90 minutes we were able to thwart the Army's recruiting efforts and force them to leave.
The success of this action shows what a few dedicated people can accomplish when they take action together and actualize their collective power. Hopefully we can build off of the success of this action and mount a sustainable campaign to demilitarize UIC completely.