News :: Crime & Police
photos: HEAR THE EVIDENCE!: Feb.11 for Mumia
On Feb.11 2-300 supporters of Black death-row political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal gathered in Philadelphia.... They marched from the Friends Center and circled City Hall before the crowd joined the French delegation in City Hall where they recieved Liberty Bell awards from the City of Philadelphia.

On Feb.11 2-300 supporters of Black death-row political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal gathered in Philadelphia.... They marched from the Friends Center and circled City Hall before the crowd joined the French delegation in City Hall where they recieved Liberty Bell awards from the City of Philadelphia.
Afterwards, supporters returned to the Friends Center (just blocks away from City Hall) and had their own Evidentiary Hearing in response the Judge Dembe's recent postponement of a Feb.11 hearing for Mumia Abu-Jamal. Abu-Jamal and his lawyers have submitted new testimony in by Yvette Williams and Kenneth Pate, which strongly suggests that testimony presented agaist Abu-Jamal in 1982 was fraudulent...
Stay tuned for part 2 with more photos and an extended essay....
to read an earlier interview with Mumia from death row, please link to:
links to recent legal docs: