While Dubya has been dicking around with Iraq, North Korea has developed an arsenal capable of striking Chicago.
North Korea has made it official. While Bush was busy creating a "weapons of mass destruction" phantom in Iraq, North Korea has been busy developing nuclear weapons. In an official statement today, Pyongyang openly admitted that North Korea is now in possession of nuclear weapons. North Korea is believed to have an unknown number of Taepodong-x ICBMs (long range missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads) hidden in underground tunnels. The Taepodong missile has a maximum range of 6,200 miles with a small nuclear warhead (or 4,650 miles with a large nuclear warhead). Based on these figures, North Korea is capable of sending a nuclear warhead to Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Diego or even as far as Chicago.
Pyongyang also said North Korea is suspending participation in the six-party talks, the talks that Bush defended in the presidential debates. Pyongyang has accused the United States of conducting a "hostile policy" toward North Korea. In a statement read by North Korea's official news agency, the government said its nuclear arms would be used for "self-defense" purposes against the Bush administration's "undisguised policy to isolate and stifle" Pyongyang. The statement cited a recent remark by U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, calling North Korea an "outpost of tyranny."
The United States has only a limited capability to intercept North Korean nuclear missiles, if even that, and has not conducted a successful intercept test since 2002, the Pentagon's top testing official said in a recent report. About 10 percent of Chicago-based Boeing's $27.4 billion in military sales came from the missile-defense shield program.
Welcome to the real world, Dubya.