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Chicago Indymedia

LOCAL News :: Children & Education

Sleazy dog napping Chicago Attorney

Chicago attorney snatches 7 year olds dog while in Florida
While visiting in Florida, a Chicago attorney found a stray dog, and now refuses to give it back to its rightful owner.

James Foley, of the law firm Hoey & Farina, claims now he has given the dog to a nun whom he refuses to identify.

Miles, the 7 year old boy from Coral Gables, Fl. Asks only one thing - "Please," Miles said, crying. "Can I have my dog back? Can I have my dog back, please?"

Mr. Foley should be ashamed of himself. Call him at the toll free number his law firm maintains – 1-888-435-1212. Tell him to give the dog back.

For more information, see:,1,5569326.column



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