Trans-Atlantic Anti-War Protest
March 19, 2005 to April 15, 2005
Saturday, March 19: Anniversary of the beginning of the war on Iraq, major demonstration.
Friday, April 1: April Fools Day, "carnival for capitalism" march, call out for mischief, street theater, pranks, jokes and fun with an anti-war focus.
Monday, April 4: Anniversary of Martin Luther Kings assassination in 1968. Anti-recruitment action and memorial in his honor, he was very opposed to the militarism.
Saturday, April 9: Anniversary of the capture of Baghdad in 2003, Saddam Husseins giant statue was pulled down in front of a crowd and the date his regime was formally overthrown. Possibilities include pulling down a mock statue of Bush while emphasizing this is not a pro-Saddam rally.
Friday, April 15: Tax day, anti-war demonstration against tax dollars being used for destruction.
The time, location and details of these events will be distributed later. Look on the Chicagoland Anarchist Network webpage at and the Chicago Indymedia website for future information.