21 Senate Democrats sent a letter to Pres Bush on Jan 13, 2005 calling for a LARGER military, proving that the capitalist Democrats are just as evil as their twin party, the capitalist Republican Party, both parties of war, the death penalty, prisons, police and increasingly on the part of the Democrats, anti-abortion, to match the anti-abortion, anti-science Republicans. THEY ARE EQUALLY EVIL.
21 Senate Democrats sent a letter to Pres Bush on Jan 13, 2005 calling for a LARGER military, proving that the capitalist Democrats are just as evil as their twin party, the capitalist Republican Party, both parties of war, the death penalty, prisons, police and increasingly on the part of the Democrats, anti-abortion, to match the anti-abortion, anti-science Republicans. THEY ARE EQUALLY EVIL.
The letter may be found at the website of Rhode Island's US Senator, Jack Reed, at:
The 21 Democrats signing this warmongering promotion of the theft of our tax dollars and the murder of the workingclass of Iraq and the US, are:
1. Jack Reed, Rhode Island
2. John Kerry, Massachusetts
3. Ted Kennedy, Massachusetts
4. Carl Levin, Michigan
5. Hillary Clinton, New York
6. Charles Schumer, New York
7. Patrick Leahy, Vermont
8. Christopher Dodd, Connecticut
9. Joseph Lieberman, Connecticut
10. Dianne Feinstein, California
11. Richard Durbin, Illinois
12. Joseph Biden, Delaware
13. Thomas Carper, Delaware
14. Bill Nelson, Florida
15. John Rockefeller, West Virginia
16. Herb Kohl, Wisconsin
17. Tim Johnson, South Dakota
18. Frank Lautenberg, New Jersey
19. Daniel Akaka, Hawaii
20. Ron Wyden, Oregon
21. Mary Landrieu, Louisiana
The parties opposing war, prisons, the police, the death penalty and always for our right to abortion and for science including teaching evolution, are the socialist parties and the Green Party, which is not socialist. If you do not like the candidates for a given position, skip that position.
THE ONLY WAY WE CAN ADVANCE is to put an end to both the Democrat and Republican Parties, and voting for candidates whose program we support. That can only be done by never voting for any Democrat or Republican for any position whatsoever.
This is the 21st Century. We are not going to repeat the nightmare of Nazi Germany, which is clearly the capitalist agenda of the twin parties of capitalism in the US as the economic crisis worsens. The world will not stand for it, and neither should you.
Some of the above Senators, most of whom are millionaires and thus cannnot represent us workers, have been making liberal noises like opposing the fascist Gonzales to be Attorney General. This is all so that you vote for the worthless Democrats instead of voting your conscience. The Democrats exist to keep the Reds out of office, and anyone else with a decent program, and they went to Court to do just that in many states in 2004. There is no other reason to have 2 capitalist parties representing the same capitalist class, supported by the same corporations, to carry out the capitalist agenda, namely maximization of profit, which by definition means exploitation of the workingclass, those of us who sell our labor for less than $70,000 a year, usually much less.