Announcement :: Civil & Human Rights
To The Streets
A "sleep out" at the water tower place Saturday February 19 at noon, until Sunday February 20 at noon is sponsoring a sleep out to take place February 19 from 12pm, until 12 pm the next day. It's purpose is to make people aware of the epidemic of homelessness. Staying the whole 24 hours is not necessary, but is encouraged. We will locate at the Water Tower place on Michigan ave.
We will also be asking for signatures to a challenge that will be present to Richard Daley, Rod Blagojevich, and George Bush. We are asking for more effective ways of helping people get out of poverty. Our hope is to present 5000+ signatures. There will be a press conference the following day.
If you are interested in joining us, or promoting the sleep out, please go to
and you can e-mail me at
justicesocial (at)