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News :: Civil & Human Rights

News about Zimbabwe

The Robert Mugabe regime has murdered thousands of citizens of Zimbabwe. Caucasian and Africans. now the regime "has come up with a bizarre scheme to solve the food crisis threatening half its population with starvation. It wants to bring in obese tourists from overseas so they can shed pounds doing manual labor on land seized from Caucasian farmers." (The Sunday Times Nov. 28, 2004)
while 5.5 million citizens need food aid and the regime is negotiating to buy Russian MiG fighter jets between 200,000 and 600,000 African migrant farm workers have lost their jobs or homes since the "redistribution" began.
"Last September 12, after addressing a session of the UN General Assembly in NY, he accepted an invitation to speak at New York City's Chambers, where he gave a long talk about his land policies to a dozen or so members of the city council's Black and Hispanic caucus. Charles Darren, a former Black Panther, and the councilman who had invited Mugabe to City Hall, hugged him and held his hand Councuil member protested the visit." (American Renaissance July 2003)
Mugabe is the man who ordered 1,000's of the Nbele tribe killed by the infamous 5th Brigade trained by North Koreans. Look it up for yourself on the internet.



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