Now is a critical moment in the campaign to hold Attorney General Nominee Alberto Gonzales accountable for his role in the abuses that have taken place at Abu Ghraib and other U.S, detention facilities. The Senate Judiciary Committee and possibly the entire Senate is expected to vote on Mr. Gonzales’ nomination later this week. For only the second time in their 27 year history, Human Right First is formally opposing a Presidential nomination.
This week the Senate Judiciary Committee is expected to vote on the nomination of Alberto Gonzales for United States Attorney General. Gonzales is a principal architect of U.S. torture policies that defined torture so narrowly that it undermined discipline in the military, put American fighting men and women at greater risk, and compromised the ability of the United States Government to hold the moral high ground.
Human Rights First is formally opposing Alberto Gonzales’ confirmation and they have created a web movie that explains how Gonzales’ legal advice opened the door for the prison abuse scandals that shocked the United States and the rest of the world. Click here to view the web movie now!
Once you’ve seen the movie, you can take action by urging your Senators to vote against Albert Gonzales’ nomination for U.S. Attorney General.
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