LOCAL Announcement :: Miscellaneous
Counter-Inaugural Protest This Saturday!
Next week people from across this nation will gather in Washington, DC to protest the second installation of George Bush as U.S. president. This Saturday, here in Chicago, we'll protest as well.

We gather for a sweeping range of reasons, from support for affordable health care and immigrant rights to our opposition to the war in Iraq.
One thing above all else unites us - our opposition to the Bush regime and its congressional supporters - and our diversity is our strength.
At 2 pm, Saturday, January 15th, our ad hoc group, the
Chicago Organizing Coalition -- Counter-Inaugural (COCCI) will begin a protest at Senn High School, 5900 N. Glenwood Avenue, followed by a march to the Broadway Armory, 5917 N. Broadway Avenue, for a cultural/political program. Our featured speakers will be Barbara Porchia and Fernando Suarez De Solar, both of whom have lost sons in Iraq and have courageously spoken out against the war and occupation.
Download the PDF Flyer
To get as many people as possible to directly counter the inaugural hoopla in Washington, COCCI is organizing buses leaving Chicago at 5 pm, Wednesday, January 19, returning at approximately 9 am on Friday, January 21st. To get bus tickets ($80 round-trip) or more information about them, call 773-878-0166 or email ccawr@aol.com or cocci-info@chicagoactions.org
Current endorsers include: Albany Park, North Park, Mayfair Neighbors for Peace and Justice; ANSWER Coalition; Chicago; Andersonville Neighbors for Peace; Chicago Coalition Against War & Racism; Chicago Committee to Defend the Bill of Rights; Chicago Socialist Party; Evanston Neighbors for Peace; Gay Liberation Network (formerly Chicago Anti-Bashing Network); Green Alliance; Hyde Park Committee Against War and Racism; International Socialist Organization; International Solidarity Movement, Chicago; Logan Square Neighbors for Peace; Palestine Solidarity Group, Chicago; Party for Socialism and Liberation, Chicago; Southsiders for Peace; Students for Social Justice; (list in formation);
Please join us at 2 pm this Saturday for the protest march beginning at Senn High School, 5900 N. Glenwood, and then get on the bus to DC next Wednesday.
Additional Resources:
Transportation: Chicago-DC Bus
Caravan Ticket Info and Ride Board
DC Maps: Counter-Inaugural Map - interactive satellite image
| Hot Maps: Interactive Street Map
Events: DC Calendar
of Counter-Inaugural Events | Printable J20 Events Flyer (PDF)
Housing: DC Counter-Inaugural
Housing Board
Legal: J20 LEGAL | DC Legal Hotline: (202) 544-8611
Medical: DC Action Medical Network
Meeting Space: DC Counter-Inaugural Convergence Center
Counter-Inaugural Organizing:
Chicago Organizing Coalition-Counter-Inaugural | A.N.S.W.E.R. Counter-Inaugural Demonstration | Counter-Inaugural 2005 | Anarchist Resistance to the Inauguration | DC Anti-War Coalition | Turn
Your Back on Bush | Code Pink | DC Inauguration Media Coalition