For Chicago Police Torture Victims & Wrongfully Convicted
Let's Now Spin On A Dime!
Dear Families, Friends, Torture Victims, Other Wrongfully Convicted Prisoners & Activists:
Please sign and send the enclosed/downloaded letter to Special Prosecutor Judge Egan.
At any time now Judge Egan will release his findings from the almost three year long investigation he has conducted into allegations of torture at the hands of Chicago Area 2 and 3 Police Detectives.
We fear that he may succumb to political pressure and only recommend an indictment of Former Police Commander Jon Burge. If he fails to recommend an indictment of Burge his investigation will be exposed as a sham.
Yet, he may feel that the public will be satisfied with only a Burge indictment. And while the indictment of Burge would be historic and have overwhelming ramifications, if he does not name other officers under Burge's command many of the police torture victims will have a difficult time proving they were in fact tortured if Burge was not directly involved.
We all know that Burge could never have acted alone. Send your signed letter off as further proof that we will not sit quietly by while detectives who brutalized and tortured over 118 Black and Latino men get away scott free while our friends and loved ones languish in prison. Enough is Enough!
Let�s bombard the Special Prosecutor's Office with these letters. Let�s show him that he does indeed have an army at his back. Help give him the strength and courage to stand up to Daley and Devine.
Please make many copies of this letter for your family and friends and have them send it off immediately. We have very little time. The Special Prosecutor's Report is imminent! The lives of the Chicago Police Torture Victims are on the line. Also, if we break open the Burge Torture Conspiracy the whole corrupt judicial system will be exposed. This will help all of the wrongfully convicted. The Burge issue is just the tip of the ice berg. Let's now break it off and see what's beneath. All Aboard! Let's show them what we've got.
EIE Steering Committee: Joan Parkin, Kenosha Washington, Mary Ornelas, Mildred Henry, Carolyn Wiggins
PS. This letter was sent to 1,000 individuals. If everyone had one other person send a copy, Judge Egan would have 2,000 letters within the next two weeks. Now think of everyone sending three or more and you'll see what we're getting at.
PPS. If you have enough funds, save a copy for yourself and mail another copy to Enough is Enough, (PO Box 377535, Chicago, IL 60619) so we will have them to hand deliver at a press conference in the future. If not, prioritize the letter to send to Egan, and send copies to us later.
Judge Edward Egan, Office of the Special Prosecutor
221 North LaSalle, Suite 607, Chicago, IL, 60601
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Enough is Enough!
We, the undersigned, urge you, Special Prosecutor Judge Egan, to recommend indictments of former Chicago Police Commander Jon Burge and all of the detectives who worked directly under his command at Area 2 and 3 police headquarters from the late 70s to the early nineties.
Sources tell us that as a result of your investigation you now have in your possession the necessary information implicating not just Commander Burge but his detectives in the torture ring that railroaded over 118 men to prison and/or death row on the basis of confessions extracted through systematic torture, including the use of electro-shock, suffocation, burnings and severe beatings.
We believe that for your office to recommend anything short of indictments for all officers involved would send a clear signal to all the families and their loved ones, still languishing in prison, that you too are involved in a cover up and hence guilty of conspiracy to cover up police torture in Chicago.
We have great faith, however, that you understand your historic role and will see that justice is served. We know from countless discussions with those you have interviewed, as well as a meeting held in May between yourself, Enough is Enough Campaign Director Joan Parkin, and Bertha Escamilla, that you are conducting a thorough investigation. We are however concerned that former State�s Attorney, Mayor Richard M. Daley, and the present States Attorney, Richard Devine, will hold undo influence upon your recommendations because of their conflict of interest and political might.
We lend you all of our support and encouragement to do the right thing. Please remember that there is no greater power than that of the countless families, friends, and torture victims who have your back and are mightier than any backroom deals orchestrated by a handful of corrupt officials. Let not history but ourselves be the judge of what is right and wrong. May the truth be your guide and the people your sword.
For more information please contact the Enough is Enough! Campaign
PO Box 377535, Chicago, IL 60637; Phone: (773) 488-4238, email:
enoughisenoughcapaign (at)
Area 2 & 3 Detectives Basile, Burge, Boffo, Boudreau, Bosco, Breska, Byron, Byrne, Cullom, Crescenzo, Cegielski, Egan,Dignan, Dowling, Dwyer, Flood, Foley, Garity, Grunhard, Gutrich, Glynn, Gorman, Halloran, Hick, Hill, Hoke, Kelly, Kill, Krippel, Lotito, Maslanka, McDermott, McKenna, Mcweeny, O�Brien, Ohara, Paladino, Phelan, Pienta, Rizzo, Smith, Steen, Terrazas, Wilson,, Yucatis (now deceased, but his torture victims still remain in prison on confessions he extracted through torture).
Countless torture victims have disclosed to us and you testimony that corroborates their night of horror in Chicago's Police torture chambers at Area 2 and 3 at the hands of former Police Commander Jon Burge and his Detectives.
Special Prosecutor Judge Egan is the third and hopefully final person to fully uncover Chicago's Police Torture Conspiracy. In 1993 Michael Goldston submitted a report that lead to the firing of Jon Burge. In 2002, former Governor George Ryan pardoned four of Burge's victims from death row and released three after having conducted a thorough investigation. Now the torch has been passed to Judge Egan, who has the power to finally win real justice for all 118 Police Torture Victims.
Mayor Daley was States Attorney when most of the torture victims were railroaded to prison and/or death row. States Attorney Richard Devine was removed from jurisdiction of the torture cases by Chief Judge Paul Biebel because of his conflict of interest, who as assistant to Daley while the torture ring was operating, continued to obstruct the Burge victim's efforts to get hearings.