News :: Protest Activity
Counter-Inaugural Update: Announcing the DC Convergence Center
When: January 13th – January 21st
Where: 39 New York Ave. NE (enter through the blue door)

Announcing the Counter-Inaugural Convergence Center!
When: January 13th – January 21st
Where: 39 New York Ave. NE (enter through the blue door)
A Space to Organize, Create and Plan!
If you can dream it, this space can accommodate!
The Convergence Center will include:
Lobby Welcome / Information Center
Large Meeting Rooms that fit about 200 – 400, seating available
Large Art Room, accommodating dozens of people, supplies and large-scale arts projects
Small Meeting Rooms, 10 – 20 people
Computer room with DSL and wireless internet
Indymedia outpost (there will be a separate indymedia space as well)
Kitchen – with food provided by Seeds of Peace
Children’s Playroom
Legal Space
Media Space
All of this means that there is space for your groups training, press conference or meeting (provided you schedule it in time)! We encourage you to utilize this amazing space!
We also anticipate that the Convergence Center will host: nightly spokes-council meetings in the 2-3 days leading up to the 20th, a de-brief / regrouping meeting on the night of the 20th and a “Really, Really Free Market” on the 21st.
Volunteers are needed at the convergence center to welcome people and provide information!
To get involved call Dave: 202-246-7810. If you can’t call, email Adam:
Additional Resources:
Transportation: Chicago-DC Bus
Caravan Ticket Info and Ride Board
DC Maps: Counter-Inaugural Map - interactive satellite image
| Hot Maps: Interactive Street Map
DC Calendar
of Counter-Inaugural Events
Housing: DC Counter-Inaugural
Housing Board
Legal: J20 LEGAL
Medical: DC Action Medical Network (DAMN)
Counter-Inaugural Organizing:
Chicago Organizing Coalition-Counter-Inaugural | A.N.S.W.E.R. Counter-Inaugural Demonstration | Counter-Inaugural 2005 | Anarchist Resistance to the Inauguration | DC Anti-War Coalition | Turn
Your Back on Bush | Code Pink | DC Inauguration Media Coalition